||°~ "A connection starts" ~°||

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The last lamb had been caught after so many, now to be sacrificed for the prophecy to never be fulfilled as the four bishops feared it would be.

The last lamb was named "Lambert", they had watched millions of their kind die in their own eyes, so to be brought to the god of life themselves after being beheaded is a shock to them.

You were so different than the four cruel bishops that shed the blood off of Lambert, your realm giving off a warm and comforting aura to their mind and soul as they stand up and looked up at you.

You had your back turned against the little lamb, still grieving from the memory of your elder exiled brethren. 
The lamb heard your soft cries, out of concern, they call out to you.

"M-My highnesty...I-I have been brought to your realm instead of the dead, m-may I ask why..?" Lambert stuttered out, though you were quite comforting to look at, you were still a god nonetheless. 
This is when you took notice of the lamb's presence and turned to look at them, sapphire blue tears running down your face, the lamb senses that you must be upset.
they started thinking of a response, slightly sweating as you had been staring at them with no answer to speak with.

are you as shocked as them? were you wanting to gaze upon them to warn them that they shouldn't be here? please answer, your highnesty!

The Lamb was then snapped out of their thoughts as you spoke in such a soft and gentle tone, "Lamb of mine...do you know how it feels to grieve over your broken family...? to grieve over a family that used to be alive...? still alive, yes...yet dead at the same time...

Lambert was shocked when you had softly uttered out your words. they feel a sting of heartbreak and loss in their heart as they now realize that you were possibly talking of the other bishops that sacrificed them.
Of course you were close with them, you were their equal after all, how could you not be close to the bishops you once knew? 

they now understand why you had been weeping so silently

The lamb kneeled down on one knee, putting their hands together to offer their prayers.
"I offer my prayers to you, My Highnesty....I understand how it feels to lose a family..." they spoke out to the bishop as they looked at the lamb back.

"How curious...you used to be...your kind was my creation to begin with...little flock of clouds jumping and singing and praising.." you muttered softly to the lamb as you kneeled down before them, they slowly stood up as they looked back at you with sympathy and understanding shown in their eyes.

'so, they're the ones that created my kind?...oh, how awful the god of life must feel...to see my kind be sacrificed...I must be the last of their own creation...' the lamb thought sadly as you tenderly picked up the Lamb. 
Lambert was surprised for a second before understanding what you were doing, so they relaxed in your warm touch. you were so careful and tender, how could your brethren sacrifice such thing as your own creation..?

"little Lambert, you must have heard of the prophecy, yes?" you questioned, Lambert nodded, unfazed by how you knew their name.

"then I must make a deal with you, for the reversal of your death, you must help me reunite my family....I will give you a special item that will help you along the way." you requested the lamb as you summoned a staff, it glides itself over to Lambert who held it dearly and stared at the staff with amazement:

The jade gemstone in the center gleamed brightly but not to the point the Lamb had to avert their eyes upon eye contact, much rather, it was quite the sight to see for their sight

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The jade gemstone in the center gleamed brightly but not to the point the Lamb had to avert their eyes upon eye contact, much rather, it was quite the sight to see for their sight. 

the lamb kneels down, a smile upon their face. "I will do my best to fulfill your quest, my highnesty"

"Very well...if you would like to look to me for advice, please call upon my name and I shall guide you to your path..Now go, create a cult under my name and the power of the staff shall grow within you" you tell the lamb, they nodded before being sent off to the living realm once more.









Lambert woke up, those who stayed in the sacrificial chambers were alerted and shocked to see that they have been reversed of death, they saw the jade staff given to you and prepare their weapons. 
Your voice is heard by the lamb, but it is not heard by the ones who are ready to attack.

"Hurry, Little Lambert! we must escape these chambers!" your voice called out, the jade shone brightly, blinding those who looked at it for only but a mere moment, the lamb takes this an opportunity to run. their legs moved, moved as fast as they can take Lambert to, out and away from the sacrificial chambers of the damned.

Once they were out and sure that they were not followed, the lamb sighed of relief and sat down nearby a tree under the shades. it was quiet for a moment before they looked around and stared at the jade gemstone, they whispered your name, wanting to hear your voice for guidance.

"I am here, Little Lambert. what is it that you need?" you answer to their call, they pondered for a moment before asking their question.
"How do I start a cult?" they told their question




silence filled the air, the lamb was confused before-

"It is quite simple, really" a voice spoke beside them, Lambert yelped a bit, quite jumped before turning and seeing you, in a form much like theirs.

"Come, let me teach you how to lead a cult, I shall take role of co-leader for now" you tell them with a warm smile upon your face. they smiled back and stood up, approaching towards you as they held the staff you gifted them with a tender grip. 
You can tell that the lamb is quite excited to see you and start a cult with you personally, it's new to them, so they felt a bit nervous

"I'd love to! where do we start?" 

"The One whose most precious to us" || CULT OF THE LAMB x HUMAN-ISH!READERWhere stories live. Discover now