||º~ "Long day" ~º||

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It had been almost five months since the beginning of the cult, it had been growing since then. getting stronger when it's faith, loyalty, and prayers grow more and more. 

You were currently watching over Lambert as they fought against yet another cursed creature, having come back from your realm to watch over them since your witnesses and high priests are responsible enough to watch over your fellow followers.
Using the red eyed sword gifted from Narinder. the horned beast opened it's mouth, letting out insects to come and attack the lamb. they quickly drew out their blade, slashing the insects down with one or two foul swoops. 

The beast snarled, glaring at the lamb as they ran up to it and with a couple of attacks being dodged, another couple of sword clashing against the flesh of the beast, Lambert finally held out their hand and let out a huge blast leading to the creature's vital weak spot. 
as the beast is slayed down, it turns to yet another fellow critter like the rest of Lambert's followers. 
In fear, he backed away, shaking to his core as he looked at the lamb with dread. 

"Please, Please have mercy" the critter pleaded but the lamb glared back.
"Mercy..is for the weak." they say to the weaker critter as he shook even more, and with you approaching, it can only make his spine shiver with fear. 

"What are you gonna do to me?" he asked, voice cracking.
"You shall be dealt with later, for now...BEGONE!" Lambert raised their hand and sent him to the indoctrination shrine back at the cult. 
They then came to a slow halt as they let out a breath, the sword turning back into the red crown as they looked at their slightly bruised elbow and grumbled out "ah he got my elbow that motherf-" as they were about to swear, you approached them and ruffled their head, cutting them off with a smile on your face.

"You did well, little one. I'm quite impressed with how much you've improved over the months" you told as they looked up at you, a small smile and blush on their face with a chuckle coming out of their mouth. 
"Aw shucks, thanks (B/N), it's all thanks to you and your older sibling's tips that I was able to fight so well" they replied to you, rubbing the back of their head before they looked at their wrist clock. 
You can assume you both had been gone for a bit too long since their eyes widened and a slight worried look on their face appeared. 

"Oh wow, it's been that long? we gotta head back!" Lambert tells you as you nodded, agreeing with them. 
"of course, not empty handed" they say as they pulled out some mushrooms they found, showing it to you. "These might go well in a soup".
You take a close look at the mushrooms and looked at the lamb with a disapproving frown. 
"Little one, I don't think these are edible, Anura mushrooms are considered part of the wild shrooms, much like all other fungi...and with the white spots on it, I think it's going to have some effects to your followers if ingested. I believe we're good with just collecting wild shrooms that are edible from darkwoods" you explain to Lambert as they listened to you, humming as they nodded. 

"well, what do I do with these then?" they asked you, you knelt down to their height since you were quite the tall bishop, like your siblings, you answer their question softly. 
"I believe we can turn them into potions if we find a recipe book, I believe I have one in my realm if I remember it correctly." you then stood back up straight as you turned to walk with Lamb to go visit Leshy's lively realm of green, and to go back to their cult right after of course. 

After collecting some shrooms for the soup, you and Lamb safely go back to the little growing cult. everyone greeted you and praised your presence as Lambert doctrinates the new follower from before. 

in the sermon hold, the Lamb brings out a book, putting it down. the bell chimes to announce the sermon starting, everyone walked in and took to their spots to stand by. 
You stood behind the Lamb, watching over the event in silence, your elegant presence being known by everyone who was in the building. 

"The One whose most precious to us" || CULT OF THE LAMB x HUMAN-ISH!READERWhere stories live. Discover now