||°~ ''Sibling talk over fishing'' ~°||

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Lambert was currently patrolling around their cult as their feline mate sleeps in their shared tent, supposedly restless from how their facial expression seems tense and a little on edge. 
it was late in the night; the moon shone a purple-ish blue glow that gently coated the trees, grass, and everything else in it's light.
truly, it was a calming and sensational environment but the lamb who wears their red fleece did not feel the same.

As of late, Heket has cursed famine across all of their cult's fields, and since (B/N) was gone for at least the whole entirety of the week it started; there was nothing they could do but pray to them and to The One Who Waits below whilst also taking care of their cult and having to go on crusades in order to feed them all, in hopes at least one would hear and help in their growth but there was no answer. 
For (B/N) it made sense, they have a following of their own to take care of, especially protecting them from the dangers of the bishop gods possibly tainting their realm. though with The One Who Waits, it's more likely he's staying unresponsive for whatever reason he has. 
This, along with going on side missions, has Lambert occupied almost all of the time and they have been gaining so much weight on their shoulders, so much that they just wished they could take a breather; they were stressed, very stressed. 

It wasn't long until Lambert felt a presence behind them, they knew who it was and turned to face the creature- well, creatures, to be more correct. 
Ratau had visited, like he always does every month to see how the lamb was doing. beside him was the slightly former Bishop of chaos himself; Leshy. 
it was surprising to see both of them at the same time but assuming how well behaved Leshy has been so far since his fall, it wouldn't be surprising if Ratau found a way to at least let him still be chaotic with a game or two of knucklebones. 

Lambert just gave a polite smile as their expression changed from their more tense and on edge to a more soft and calmer look.
Ratau can see from those tricks and Leshy seems concerned for the lamb, seemingly sensing how they're possibly falling apart from all the pressure of handling a cult, plus handling the fates of the bishops as well. 

Ratau opens his mouth, "Lambert, a lovely evening here eh? why not we go fishing to have some small talk?" he offers the lamb. 
Lambert tries to politely decline the rat man's offer, "Oh no, no. I'm fine-" but the rat had already grabbed a hold of the lamb's hand and started to drag him to the smuggler's sanctuary, Leshy follows behind. 

"Ratau- I'm fine! just please let me be!" Lambert protested, with Ratau giving his counter-
"nonsense! I see that you're quite stressed as of late, it's important to at least have a good fish or a good walk!" and with that said, Lambert let out a sigh of defeat as Leshy giggled. 
"Come on now, lamb! Don't tell me that someone like you has already been defeated from the words said by a mere ol' rat!" Leshy would say with a chuckle, Ratau would snicker at the tease while Lambert just rolled their eyes. 

Leshy sighed and seemingly faced the ground, this got a curious hum from Lambert as they looked back at him and by this point their hand has since been released from the rat's grasp. 
"ah, that reminds me of my siblings teasing (B/N). how they were easy to defeat by just words..." he would softly say as the trio continued walking over to the smuggler's sanctuary. this got Lambert's attention and their curiosity ever grows from what Leshy told, the lamb has always been so curious, wanting to know more about their fellow god who balances life. (B/N) was always so...how to put it? mysterious, intelligent and wise, always knowing of what to do or say, they are a pacifist amongst the cruel gods of the lands. 

"do you mind telling me more about (B/N), if you'd like to." Lambert questioned politely and Leshy was more than glad to ramble about his beloved youngest sibling of the bunch. 

"Of course! (B/N) is the youngest out of all of us in the group, yet they always defused any arguments that might have led to big fights. quite frankly, Heket and (B/N) were always my favorite siblings to play with" Leshy stated happily, his little leafy tail swayed with how he felt before he added "(B/N) was quite gentle and playful when we were all younger, we all loved them dearly. I only wished that-....that..." Leshy trailed off, his mood turning down. this made Lambert concerned as they looked at the bushy worm with a curious yet soft gaze. 

"what? what is it that you wish for?" Ratau chimed in, his voice merely uttering out so it wouldn't seem forceful or awkward in this slightly off mood talk. 
"truthfully...I wished that I was better for them...when he was sent below, all of us mourned, even Heket and she despises him, though it isn't impossible to think she'd rather die than see him again, I'm sure of it. but for (B/N)? oh, (B/N)..I only wished they didn't focus on taking care of us instead of processing their grief...they were the closest to the one who waits below, it isn't surprising to see life and death be as close as twins are." Leshy admitted with shame, his head hung low to prove that. 

Lambert may have disapprove of what the bishops had done to his entire kind, they can't help but feel sympathy for the slightly former god of chaos; for he still loved life itself more than his own, he's had a family once, he too would feel immense grief if it were the same with him and with someone younger than yourself taking care of you? it's even worse. 

Ratau hummed before stopping and turning around to face Leshy, "listen here now, former bishop; I may not know many things about your siblings but I am sure they did not mind taking care of all of you at all if it meant your happiness was to stay. (B/N) has been a wonderful god of the lands, I'm sure helping you all was their own way of grieving or coping with the loss of the one who waits below." he tells Leshy with a soft smile, the bushy worm could only nod with a small sway on his tail.

"perhaps you're correct, Ratau...but I still feel that aching guilt piercing my heart. I can never face them truly, I love them far too much to face their sadness caused by me and my elders" Leshy confesses bashfully with a hint of regret, Lambert only listens in as they looked up front.
Lambert sees the docks and starts moving forward while starting to speak "well, what's done is- 
-done now, no point in moping around, so all we can do is appreciate the ones who stayed. come on, the docks are up ahead of us" the sheep says with a soft yet firm tone as they led the two to the docks. 

Ratau only gave a hearty laugh as he joked about how Lambert sounded like a father for a moment, making the latter playfully roll their eyes and also have a small laugh. Leshy would agree with Ratau before getting a playful punch from the Lamb, seems like Leshy is already loving the somewhat mortal life he's fallen to. 

All the while; (B/N) watched from their realm with a crystal orb, they had a smile of their face as they lay the orb down onto a pillow. they feel a few tears brimming their eyes as they whispered out. 

"Love you too, Leshy." 

(B/N) proceeded to finally answer to Lambert's prayers, extinguishing Heket's famine and replacing it with warmth and growth of his crops. they feel guilty for not answering sooner but they had needed their rest. 

they'll apologize later. 


A/N: sorry for the long wait! got busy with school and stuff but I have a week off soon! hopefully this chapter has some great wholesomeness to balance the few angsty chapters before haha!!

A/N 2: if it sounds like Leshy has been recently slained, sorry about that! in explanation, Leshy has been a follower for over 5 and a half months (5 full moons I believe for this game timeline). 

A/N 3: I wanted this chapter to be BEFORE the chapter "Long Day" occured but I didn't see it fitting the story as well as it could've been so I made this happen after Narinder's chapter. I'll explain the relationship dynamics of everyone in the next chapter!!

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