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Ok so I know personally that I LOVE reader x crush, and I NEVER see them, if you know any really good ones leave the comments please, so I have decided to make a reader x crush, enjoy gents and belles;

You walked through the gym doors with your best friend, Malty.

"Isn't this exciting, (y/n)?!" Malty asked you, fluffing her silver and pink dress even more. She wore her curly hair down and her make up was, as poods would say, FABULOUS! Her short silver and pink dress had no straps and ended right above her knee, showing off her model like legs (conceded I know). You just nod, your cheeks blushing as you lock gazes with the one and only, (c/n). He looked so handsome in his tuxedo, hair slicked back and eyes searching for someone, probably his date. Your heart dropped as you remembered that everyone always comes with a date, including you.

Since you were a chicken and decided not to ask him out, you brought me! And I gladly went with you, but you had to drag me out of my house before I tried to sneak my cat into Prom. His eyes looked back to you and he smiled before a beautiful blonde latched onto his arm. She looked at him with such lust and desire you almost broke down, but you couldn't. No, not while he was watching you. So you began to excuse yourself as I walked over to the punch bowl and started up a conversation with my future husband Sean.

Finally.. You had gotten outside the gymnasium and sucked in a large breath of fresh, crisp air, the cold breeze nipping at your skin. You had decided to wear black that night, a dress with long sleeves and ended right about under your knee. You rubbed your arm nervously. Should you go back in or just ditch me? You stared up into the sky, it was just in between light and dark blue and it made the moon and stars, who were out early, even more beautiful.

You sighed, closing your eyes and thought intensely of what to do. He obviously didn't want you, (c/n) looked so happy with that girl. But he looked at me.. You thought.

"You ought to be inside, it's sure as heck cold out here." Duffy's voice sounded with her slight southern twang. You turned around to see the rarely sighted Duffy. She wore her dark red hair up in a bun and her freckles plastered against her face, bringing out the odd shade of blue in her eyes. Her white, silky dress flowed in the wind and she stared at you with a bored look on her face.

"Don't you like the cold?" You ask, trying to make her forget about dragging you in and forcing you onto (c/n), but knowing Duffy she wouldn't forget.

"Yeah, but you don't. Now go on and get 'em gal." Duffy smirks and you grunt, shuffling back inside. You swallowed hard and your eyes scanned the room, your crush no where to be found. Then, you saw him by the back supply closet, where all the equipment was stored. But no of y'all ever used it, so the teachers took out nearly everything so it was a large space left. You followed his trail until you found him inside, seemingly waiting for someone.

"C-Can I talk to you?" You ask, trying not to stutter.

"Of course." He says in his (deep/soft), kind voice. His (e/c) orbs showed almost a teasing flicker in them.

"Well, I don't know how you feel but I have liked you since (whenever you began feelings for him) and I just wanted you to know that.." You tell him, closing your eyes for a fraction of a second. It must have been much longer because when you opened your eyes, the door was locked and he was standing directly inches away from your face. You sucked in breath and almost squealed in delight as he placed his chapped lips onto your soft and plush lips.

"Uhh... (C/n)..." You muttered, causing him to growl in delight. He moved to your neck and bit the soft skin, making you moan in ecstasy. Then, he rubbed your sides and soon began to move to your (small/medium/large) breasts. This furthered you and you couldn't take the teasing. You slip off his tuxedo blazer and unbutton each button one at a time, teasing him. He moans in a sexy way and looks at you with lust in his heavy lidded eyes.

"(Y/n), I want you now.." He breathes, causing you to work the shirt faster until it's off, then you start to unbuckle his pants. You pull down his pants and slide his boxers over his incredibly big hard-on. You lick the tip, earning a loud groan from him. He grabs your hair bun and pushes your head farther into his manhood. You earn plenty of loud groans and animalistic sounds from him as you bob your head up and down faster and faster. Soon, you feel him twitch and know he is near his end, so you pull away and slip off your panties.

"Are you gonna take off your dress?" He asks and you shake your head, not wanting to have to put this body corset, as you call, back on. It was hard getting it on a first time and you won't bother to do that ever again. You climb on top of him and give him a quick peck on the lips. He touches your hips and brings you down onto him, causing both of you to yell each other's names at the same time.

You cry out in pain, seeing you are a virgin, and stop half way, him waiting for you to continue the pleasure. You waited until the pain was nearly immediately exchanged for a burning pleasure at your core. You continued to bounce up and down, hair sticking to your face because of sweat.

"Oh. God yes.. (Y/n)!!" (Crush) shouts out, making you pump your knees faster, sending waves through you that rocked your body in a way you've never felt before. You called out his name and he called out yours, you two too busy to notice that most of the people at Prom had already left by now. You were reaching your end and he had already warned you that he was reaching his. You continued to bounce, a bit more rough than before and your cum suddenly spilled out of you as his hot seed spewed into your womb, flowing down your leg. Breathing heavily, you stopped for a short period of time before you bounced softly and rode out your orgasm.

Once you were completely sober and recovered from your high, you clambered off him and snuggled up to him, closing your weary eyes.

"I love you. And since it is Senior year, I wanted to ask you if you'd be my girlfriend." (C/n) asks you suddenly. You take a moment to respond.

"Of course." You smiled softly, hiding your giddy feeling inside.

You two had gone off to college, well at least you had. He had an ambition to become an actor (sorry if this is incorrect) and so he did. He practically became the next Leonardo Di Capreo, but he won some oscars. (SORRY LEO I LOVE YOU) You sat back in your dorm room and watched one of his movies, not being able to see him that much. This was your last year, actually this was your last day! You got to go home and spend the rest of your life with him, unless he had moved onto someone hotter than you. Suddenly, you heard a knock on your door.

"Hello?" You opened the door, only to see (c/n) standing there with a velvet box. He smiled at you and got down on one knee.

"(First name, middle name, last name), will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. (Crush's last name)?" He asked you, revealing a beautifully cut diamond ring. You gasped and began to tear up at the sight. You jumped on him, gripping his coat tightly and yelled "YES!!" You heard the practically the whole college cheer him on and he carried you out to his red Porsche, knowing you'd return to collect your things.

Congrats, you married him! Haha love y'all, don't forget to check out my other stories and my friends' stories. Love y'all, Malty

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