Chapter 3: Friend

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Kuroko was laying on the bed and looking at ceiling. He held his blanket tightly. It's so dark outside. There's candles in the room where Kuroko is. He sighed and couldn't sleep. He sit up and stand. Kuroko walked out of his room and goes downstairs. It's so dark. Everyone in this palace is asleep. He is about to go to the kitchen for cup of the water but something got his attention; It was envelope. He picked the envelope up and checked the dates if it's new or old. It was new. Kuroko grabbed flashlight and used light to see the letter. 'Maybe Takao got this and left it here and went sleep?' Kuroko thought. He checked the label of the envelope. "From Akashi Seijuro... To me..." He mumbled.
He looked around to make sure that nobody here. Kuroko was luckily. Envelope haven't opened yet then Kuroko opened the envelope and pull out the letter.

"Time to read," Kuroko said.

-Tetsuya Kuroko

Tetsuya, Phoenix will attack tomorrow night without Winged tigers' knowing. The Phoenixes soldiers will sneak and attack at midnight. You should come to our palace at 12 in the tomorrow evening

-From Akashi Seijuro

Sudden Kuroko heard someone coming from the downstairs. He put the letter back in the envelope quickly and dropped the envelope on the table and is about to step but Kuroko realized.. 'What if someone is curiously and checked the envelope and knew everything..' Kuroko thought as he went back and grabbed envelope and ran. He bumped into Aomine.
First thing he saw is envelope.

"What's up with envelope?" Aomine said. "And what are you doing in past midnight?" Aomine sounded like he is in mad mood.
Kuroko gulped. "I... Just come here and drink water... It might help me to go sleep..." Kuroko mumbled. Aomine raised his eyebrow. "That envelope.. What is the envelope doing in your hand?" He pointed at the envelope. Kuroko gulped and tried to think of story.

"Well, I made a letter to send it to my friend for tomorrow and I forget about it, then I decide to bring it to my bedroom and make sure it's right letter and also, I'll be gone at tomorrow 12 in the evening to send the letter," Kuroko lied.

"Tetsu, do what you want. I'll be going now," Aomine walked away.

Kuroko sighed in joy. 'Kagami will force me to read it together with tigers members and Aomine, Takao and Kagami, that mean I'll be in the trouble if I haven't touch the envelope,' Kuroko thought.

He went back to his bedroom and hid envelope under his pillow and pulled the blanket over his body and make him warm. Kuroko blew the candles off and went asleep.


Midorima pushed his glasses. "Why you sending many letters?" Midorima asked. Akashi smiled.
"I do not know. But I'm sending some letters to someone important to me and he will be coming to here tomorrow 12 in the evening," Akashi said. Murasakibara yawned. "Whatever, get me some snacks," Murasakibara said. Midorima pushed his glasses with his middle finger. "Why do you want snacks in past midnight?" He said.

"I'm hungry..." Murasakibara said. Akashi stood up and frowned. "Be quiet. I'm going upstair now," Akashi stepped on the stair and walked up the upstairs. Everyone in the Phoenix clan's palace is awake but they is about to go sleep soon. Midorima grabbed a mug of hot chocolate and drinking it. He is only one who is awake in this palace. "Why am I awake?" Midorima sighed and stood up, turned the light off and went to sleep.

----11 in the morning----

Kuroko was taking care of new horse of his. It was female black and white with light blue saddle. He handed the wheats to his horse. "Your name is Akane now," Kuroko said. Akane neighed.
Takao approached Kuroko.
"Nice horse you have," Takao said. "What is her name?"

"Akane. Her name is Akane," Kuroko patted on Akane's back. Takao chuckled and looked interested in Akane. "Good name. So anyway, you asked me for the map, right?" Takao held the map. Kuroko nodded. Takao gave Kuroko the map. Kuroko bowed. "Thank you so much,"

"I hope you can send the letter to your friend in the noon, and this symbol mean the letters port. And this symbol mean palaces. You should stay away from palaces, ok?" Takao explained about the map. Kuroko nodded in understood.
"I will send the letters, yes, thank for details," Kuroko lied then get on Akane's back.

"See you later! Kuroko!" Takao waved at Kuroko riding on Akane's back, going away.

Kagami appeared. Takao flinched. "Where is Kuroko going?" Kagami said. "Going to send the letters to his friend," Takao said. Kagami nodded and remembered something from last night. "Last night, after Kuroko went asleep.. You bought other envelope from Akashi Seijuro for Kuroko. I want to read it, where is that envelope?"

Takao gasped and ran into the palace to search for envelope. "Kagami! I can't find it!" Takao panicked. Kagami joined and searched. Aomine walked in and don't know what is going on. "What are you two doing?" Aomine said.

"The envelope! It's missing!" Takao continued searching. Aomine pulled out the ripped-envelope with no letters inside. "Do you mean this?"

Takao grabbed the ripped-envelope and checked the names, dates. "Yes! It is! Kagami! Found it!" Takao shouted. Kagami ran to Takao.

"But there's no letter in it... " Kagami said.

"Hold on... I saw Kuroko last night in the past midnight with the envelope. He told me that he is going to get a water that help him to sleep. And Kuroko bought envelope with him into his bedroom and this ripped-envelope was left in the room.." Aomine said.

Takao's eyes widened.

"TAKAO! Get on the horse! Go follow Kuroko! And spy on him!" Kagami yelled. Takao did as he told.

Takao kept looking for Kuroko and finally... He found Kuroko.
Kuroko wasn't on Akane, he was doing on the ground and playing with a dog.

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