chapter 6

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 after hours of thinking and searching on different websites I decided to sleep on it. I even dreamed about it. I dreamed of a la la land where tyler and I were happy and I didn't have to be worried about my brother or sully or carey. I had finally came to the decision that I was going to have to kill carey to be with tyler.   last night I had found this sight where I can get sold a nice handgun for cheap. I had saved up some money for a Disneyland trip with sully but this was far more important than a petty trip. sure hes my best friend but tyler is the love of my life and that outways everything in my book.

 As I put on my clothes I thought about sully kissing me yesterday afternoon. shivers went through my body. I was not looking forward to seeing him today. but what I was looking forward to was going to me _badboy72, from last nights site. I walked to school alone. it was so humid. I checked my phone, 76 degrees and its not even 8 am yet.  I listened to music as I walked . my music was blasting but I happened to hear a car horn honking at me. I took out an earbud and looked to see tylers red car. I turned back around and stuck my earbud in and kept walking. I didn't want to speak to him until the deed was done . the car honked again and once again I took out an earbud. "yes?" I asked impatiently. "get in." he stated . "no thanks " I replied. "it wasn't a question Stacey."I rolled my eyes and opened the door and got in. "what?" I asked as he drove. "im off today, lets spend the day together, I already excused you from school." he says as he drives past the school.  "and where exactly are we going?" I ask. "breakfast?" he asks "im not hungry, I say lying. "welp, too bad " he says laughing. I chuckle a little.

we spent 3 hours at the local cafe , after breakfast we went to see a movie. it was a pretty good movie . by noon we were back home having sex again. this time unlike the past couple times I felt passionate about it. as he went in and out of me, I thought about meeting up with _badboy72. I knew it was dangerous to meet up with a guy ive never met and also the fact that he wanted to meet at 11pm in a bad part of town made it even more dangerous and secretive. I guess keeping secrets is just my thing. once tyler and I finished it was around 2. sex with tyler always last hours. sometimes I just get lost in my thoughts and forget we were even having sex in the first place. we took a shower together for the first time. I gave him a blowjob in the shower, which was a first also. he got some time of fulfillment from this. which I will never in my life understand.

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