Chapter 8

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I awoke Friday morning . I got dressed and again thought about my plan. To me, it seemed like a pretty good plan . I looked in my dresser to make sure the gun hadn't been touched . It was still there . I touched it , it was freezing cold. I heard a knock on my door and I stuffed clothes on top of it and closed it quickly . "Come in" I said slowly . The door opened and in stepped sully " hey stallion , what do you say we walk together ?" He said nervously . I took a deep breath I was glad it wasn't Tyler or Carey . " yeah ... Sure ..." I stammered I turned back to the dresser . And quickly glanced away so he didn't see me looking at it .

I got my backpack and we headed downstairs . Tyler was putting on his tie in the kitchen . " I'll meet you out" I called to sully. I entered the kitchen. "Hey hey " I said " hi " he said nicely . "Any plans for tonight?" I asked . "Uh I was thinking I'd take you out tonight" "to where ...?" I ask . "Buskins" Buskins was a nice restaurant but in a bad part of town. It was by down the street from CrackleWood. I hesitated "yeah sounds like a plan" Tyler began to talk but I had to go so I hurried out of the kitchen .
I met up with sully outside . " sup" I greeted him. " hey " he said . We began to walk to school. It wasn't as hot as yesterday morning but it still was hot. We walked In silence all the way to school.
By lunch I wanted to go home . I thought about my plan over and over and over again. Until my head hurt and my stomach . It made me sick . I was terrified of being caught and thrown in jail for premeditated murder . I was so scared . But I had to go through with it to be with Tyler .i needed advice and someone who could help me straighten out my thoughts I had to be brave and that's when I decided to tell sully about it. During my whole 6th period , which is computers, I typed a full description of everything that's happened all the way to this point and printed it out . I asked to be excused and I stuck the 5 page letter in sully's locker. I took a deep breath and went back to class.
In 7th period sully walked in the the 5 pages . He plopped in the seat next to me . "Before I read this... Because I know it's from you, is it going to ruin our friendship?" I sighed . "Uh I don't know ..." I finally replied .
He began to read as the bell rang. I felt sweat dripping down my face . My anxiety was really high. He flipped to the second page . Then the third and the fourth . And before he could get to the fifth I felt myself fall out of my chair. I felt sully get up and grab me . But that's all I knew before I blanked out .

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