chapter 7

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We went to see Steve in the hospital around 5 and stayed there until 9 or 10. we were home by 10:30 and I hurried to my room. I had messages from _badboy72.

  he said to be there by 11 and he will be there shortly after. I looked at my phone . 10:48 . I had to hurry. I snuck downstairs and out the front door. the  " bad part of town" was more then a mile away and I had to hurry to be there by 11. I ran my fastest passing by sully's house. I only got a glimpse but im pretty sure he was staring out the window. but I had no time to look back. I kept running and hopped the gate to the "bad part of town" it was a pretty dark street. I was suppose to meet him on CrackleWood lane . I searched for it and found it shortly after. I waited in the humid air. sweating like a pig. I felt someone behind me and I turned to see sully.

"WHAT ARE U DOING HERE?!?!?!?!" I yelled at him. " I followed you, I seen you running and I thought you were in trouble. "go home Sullivan." I hadn't called him that in a long time. "what are you doing over here ?" he asks curiously. "GO HOME !" I look at my watch . 11:07  bad boy would be here soon. "you told me you were not keeping secrets stallion." "and Im not." "then what are you doing here so late?" I couldn't lie anymore . "im meeting someone , and they will be here soon so go home" I shouted. "ok ok  im leaving im leaving." he said and ran the other way.  I waited another 15 mintues before a person  in a oversized hoodie approached me . "badboy72?" I asked . "yeah, and my name is Daniel." his voice was deep. he was about 5'7 or 5'8 . and was a white boy. He pulled out a small handgun , "800?" I got out the money and counted out the 800 dollars.  we exchanged and he handed me the gun. it was heavier then  I thought it would be. "full clip?" I asked like I knew what I was doing. "yes ma'am." he said he handed me a silencer then turned and ran . I did also. the gun got heavier as it bounced it my hoodie pocket. by the time i was home it was past midnight. I tucked the gun under a bunch of my clothes in my dresser. I laid in bed and made a plan .... 

Carey works late on Friday nights, which is tomorrow, I can get one of steves old big hoodies and sweat pants and show up at her job around 1 am, which is around the time she gets off. I can wait outside and when she comes out I can duck behind that large bush by the door. and then attach the silencer and aim carefully ..... I dozed off before I could finish my thought process.

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