Eyeless Jack II

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-He runs on all fours.

-Due to the mutation during the sacrifice, his knees painfully snapped to bend backwards versus forwards.

-When the sacrifice with the cult happened the world was in the mid-1980's. This means that Jack's sacrifice took place just over a decade after the drowning of Benjamin Lawman.

-The cult that sacrificed EJ is called "God's Whisper". Roots of the cult have spread across America, but the leading church is located in Slate Hills, California.

-Took X-Virus in as a sort of medical apprentice due to Cody's intense curiosity.

-Not-so-proud owner of three tongues

-EJ's jaw was broken and disfigured from the sheer amount of teeth that grew in. They lost all of their human teeth which were replaced with massive, razor sharp fangs protruding every which angle from his jaw.

-Even as a human EJ's ears were pointed


-When they go long periods of time without human flesh, EJ becomes weak and almost anaemic from the lack of nutrients.

-While being able to eat human food, his body cannot absorb the nutrients from it anymore. This is why he needs human flesh.

-Don't talk to him if he has not had his morning coffee.

-Often seen wearing his mask and is hardly seen without it. They do not like seeing their face, especially their mouth.

-On multiple occasions people have tried to braid his tongues when EJ was asleep.

-The hymns and chants the cult spoke and sang whilst they sacrificed him are burned into their memory.

-Wears his locs in a ponytail more often than not. Sally once convinced him to wear their hair in pigtails.

-Before the incident happened, Jack wore eyeliner.

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