Lelouch - 1

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The familiar ding of the school bell rang at Ashford academy. It had only been a few days since you had started school there, per the request of your family. You hadn't made many friends yet, but you seemed to get along with a girl named Milly, and a guy named Rivalz. They were apart of the student council, so you'd guess they were being friendly to you just because it was their club's job to welcome new students. 

Your mind was far from being present in your studies, but you tried your best to enjoy the sense of normalcy, even though you were a member of the Black Knights, a follower of Zero. You often wondered how people would react when they realized you idolized him, and had an embarassing crush on him like a schoolgirl, which you now literally were.

"y/n, lost in your thoughts again?" Rivalz said, approaching you with a smile on his face as he slammed his hand on your desk.

You jokingly glared at him, taking a deep breath as you let the thoughts of Zero leave your mind.

"Rivalz, right?" You said with a small smile, stretching in your seat.

"Yup, I just wanted to come see if you had some time to join me and Milly in the student council's club room! We're a little behind on work because one of our members, Lelouch, hasn't been showing." He said in a cheery voice that was annoyingly wholesome. 

Your face turned to a frown at the invitation. You weren't opposed to making new friends at Ashford, but school had just gotten out and you were supposed to get ready for your Black Knight work.

"Sure, but I won't be able to stay long, I have work." You said honestly as you stood up, pushing your chair in. 

Rivalz smiled motioning for you to follow him. "Great!" He said, walking with you towards the student council's club room. 

"So, who's Lelouch? I've heard his name before but I don't think I've actually seen him." You said to keep your mind off of things.

Rivalz' face broke out into a cheesy grin. "Oh, I don't think you've seen him.. why, are you interested?"

You shook your head letting out a small laugh. "No, I currently like someone who doesn't even know who I am, it would never work out even if he did." 

Rivalz put his hand on your shoulder shaking you. "Cmon y/n, don't think like that, you're a cool person, and I've only known you for 3 days, I'm sure once you have the chance to talk to him, he'll be smitten." He said cheerily.

God, his happiness sure rubbed off on you, as a geniune smile creeped onto your face at the mere thought of Zero recognizing you in that way. "Yeah, sure... Anyways, I'm going to beat up this Lelouch dude once he shows, leaving his unfinished work for others to do." 

Rivalz laughed as you both entered into the student council club room where Milly and a sweet girl who introduced herself as Nunnally. 

"It's very nice to meet you y/n, are you a member of the student council now?" Nunnally  asked softly. 

"Oh I'm not, just agreed to help out and do Lelouch's work... I'm actually a new student here so.." You said.

Nunnally smiled at the mention of Lelouch's name. "My brother Lelouch is quite the procrastinator these days, I appreciate your help. And no worried about you being a new student, everyone is welcome here!"

You smiled at her warmness. "Oh he's your brother? Well, I'll have a bone to pick with him once he actually shows.." You said with a small giggle. Nunnally made you feel at peace, you could feel your guard being let down slightly. 

Nunnally began to say something but paused as the sound of the door to the clubroom opened, you could feel a prescence behind you, as the person who entered cleared his throat. His aura felt strong so you whipped your head around to look at the 'intruder.'

"Hey everyone, I'm back!" A tall student with dark brown hair said, causing you to back away awkardly. 

Rivalz jumped up with a smile on his face. "Lelouch! Me and the new student were just talking about you! She was going to help do the work that's piled up in your abscence." 

"I'd sure hope to not make a bad impression on a new student.. What's your name?" Lelouch said with a smile, turning to face you. The threatening aura you felt earlier eminating from him was gone. Maybe it was because you made a connection with Nunnally, but Lelouch almost felt familiar.

"Hey there slacker, my name's y/n l/n" You said with a grin as you poked Lelouch's shoulder. 

Lelouch's eyes lit up as you introduced yourself.

Wondering where he had heard that name before, he decided to shake it off and ignore the feeling entirely. "Y/n, it's nice to meet you, and well you know but, my name's Lelouch." 

You reached your hand out towards him with a grin. He was too friendly for his own good, you thought. "Nice to meet you too, slacker." 

𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻, 𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 ~ Lelouch x Reader (Code Geass)Where stories live. Discover now