Love - 25

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(artwork by

Due to the change in events, you, Zero, Ohgi, Tamaki and the other black knights present headed to base to prepare for the media storm that would soon be present. You were sent straight to sleeping quarters as it had begun to get late, and as per Zero's orders you were to still show up at school tomorrow, to better support the plan that had been set in place.

But you couldn't sleep. It was late, and you were paranoid. How would you make people believe you weren't actually in love with Zero? What would the initial release of your name and relationship even say? What kind of media storm would follow?

You groaned grabbing at your hair. What would be the right way to act tomorrow? And... then there was Lelouch...

You sighed. 

There was no chance he'd say anything incriminating to the reporters or news outlets that would be crowding the school tomorrow but you were more worried about how it might affect your... friendship.

Maybe Lelouch knew you had a thing for Zero, but you knew it wasn't going to be easy on him to see who knows what online about your relationship. 

Lelouch's face suddenly popped into your mind. Subconsciously you compared him to Zero a lot. Maybe it was because they acted similar, or maybe it was because you had kissed him and he might like you. You shook your head, rolling out of bed and throwing on a dark indigo night robe. It wasn't smart, but you needed to walk all these feelings off, and maybe then you could fall asleep. 

You stepped outside of the room, the automatic doors opened and shut behind you, reminding you of the ones Zero had for his room. 

You walked down the hallways of the base, when you began to hear voices coming from one of the nearby rooms. You paused dead in your tracks.

"You shouldn't see her for a while at least not as--" A woman's voice rang out.

"Please, I know that. But it doesn't make things easier... there have been recent developments that have caused me to become careless." a voice you recognized as Zero replied to the woman.

"Aren't you worried about letting Ohgi and that boring little man handle what information we send to the britannians about yours and Y/n's relationship?"

"Not at all, it's better that I let Tamaki and his fantasies be of some use for once. If I were present-"

"Your actual feelings would get in the way." The woman cut Zero off. 

Who was this girl talking to Zero? And why was he being so... casual with her? You shook your head and quickly began passing the room, you were out on a walk to clear your mind, not to get entangled in jealousy.

As you passed the door your heart dropped out of your chest when the automatic door whirred open. Damn it-, you thought. You looked inside the room, accepting your fate. It was gonna look like you were eavesdropping either way. 

Inside, a girl with long flowing green hair sat next to Zero, who looked like he was in the middle of putting his helmet back on. You paused, blinking. Were your eyes deceiving you? Had he been showing his face to whomever this girl was? 

The girl looked at you then back at Zero. "Well, I'll leave this to you loverboy." She said, standing up as she strode right through the door, passing you without saying another word. 

"I was-" you began to say, still standing right where you were when you had accidentally triggered the automatic door.

"Supposed to be asleep" Zero said, still sitting on the couch some distance away. You walked in slowly, not sure how to act. So much was racing through your mind. 

"I- was trying to, I uhm... I guess I'm just nervous about going to school tomorrow with everything that's happening." You said, looking down. Sure you had kissed him multiple times, and SURE you knew you could be informal around him, but sharing your feelings in detail- you just couldn't fully.

"Everything will be fine, just stick to the plan." Zero replied, standing up and walking over to you. Your eyes were still glued to the floor. "I don't think I can get to sleep regardless of how much faith I have in the plan." You said.

"So you're not worried about your identity being exposed..." He replied.

"I dont wanna..." you muttered, causing Zero to take a step closer to you. You could now see his shoes which stood over the spot you were staring intensely at on the floor.

"Want to what?" Zero said. You shook your head, still not looking up at him. 

"Y/n." He said, noticing your hesitation to reply.

"Tell people I'm not actually in love with you!" 

You blurted out, pushing  your hands against his chest in the same breath. You clasped onto the hem of his cape.

There was a prolonged silence that filled the room, that was now only filled with the sound of your uneven breathing.

Underneath the mask, Lelouch's mouth hung slightly open, his face dusted pink. "Ah..." he muttered, immediately regretting his shortness in response to what you had just said.

Love... they said LOVE? Here? Now?

Emotions swallowed Lelouch whole, his ability to reason had completely disappeared. 

 You let out a deep breath, that wasn't the answer you wanted, but what you had expected. Whoever was behind the mask was shy, or at the very least, liked to act on emotions rather than say them out loud.

You took a step closer to him, pressing the side of your face into his chest as your wrapped your arms underneath his cape. He stood still, arms still at his side. Him not returning your hug made your heart ache.

 "Sorry I shouldn't have said that... I should get to sleep so I can be prepared for tomorrow-" You said, letting go of Zero and choking back tears.

As you turned your back to him to begin walking towards the door you felt a body press against your back. "You said you couldn't get to sleep." Zero's voice said. The feeling of his body against yours made anything that had just happened in the past 10 minutes melt away.

You cleared your throat. "Yeah but-" 

 Zero interrupted your already scattered thoughts, his voice noticeably more rough, even with the voice filter on his mask.

"Sleep with me."

𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻, 𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 ~ Lelouch x Reader (Code Geass)Where stories live. Discover now