One Wish - 18

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Lelouch's demeanor shifted, his body language becoming more tense and calculated. "Nice to meet you." He said, glancing at Ohgi then at you.

Lelouch's mind began to race... how could he have forgotten to take into consideration what mall y/n had been dragging him to... Surely this was not the one that he had approved for the undercover surveillance mission he had assigned to Ohgi... He mentally face palmed...she has me this reckless already...? He thought.

Just as this situation couldn't get any more humiliating, Tamaki waltzed up behind Ohgi waving at y/n.

"I'm surprised to see you of all people on a date, I bet my buddy wouldn't be too happy to- Ow!" Tamaki let out a yelp as you kicked his shin to get him to stop talking.  "We should go, y/n" Lelouch said, grabbing your hand and starting to walk away with you. You were slightly startled by his response, but it did make sense... He knew what you meant by coworker... he probably didn't want to associate himself with the black knights, even if no one else could tell.

"Sorry- I'll catch you two later!" You said, giving them a wave as you felt your cheeks flush in embarrassment as Lelouch was still dragging you along, hand in hand with you.


"He seemed familiar, is he one of us?" Tamaki said, glancing at Ohgi with a puzzled expression. "Nah... well, could be a newer member with a low ranking, there's hundreds of them. So it's possible..." Ohgi responded.

"I'm sure know who, wouldn't like the idea of some recruit putting their hands all over his mistress." Tamaki said, causing Ohgi's eyes to widen. "I'm not saying you're right, but isn't it strange we're even conducting this surveillance mission with no specific target?" Ohgi replied.

Tamaki scoffed. "We're just collecting data and scouting out potential... oh... Oh!" He exclaimed, catching onto what Ohgi was trying to say. "Are you trying to say, my best bud knew this date would take place and gave us this assignment hoping we might bump into y/n, and really just wanted us to babysit her and report back to him??" He rambled quickly, causing Ohgi to sigh.

"When you put it like that, it just sounds stupid... but he has visibly grown more attached... maybe he's worried for her safety. Or maybe this is just a complete coincidence and we should stick to the initial plan." Ohgi said, causing Tamaki to roll his eyes. "Or he's just a jealous guy."

"In either case we should keep an eye on them. This character she was with was quick to end the conversation, he could pose a threat to her." Ohgi replied.


Lelouch let go of your hand quickly as you got to the top of the stairs that led to the first floor of the mall and the two of you walked over to a secluded area that other than you, were only a few trash bins. You were almost out of breath. "Jeez, Lamperouge you're always skipping gym class, I didn't think you had that in you." You said in between breaths.

"Well, you did say those were your coworkers... and given that I know what that means, I didn't want to stick around." He said, almost too quick.

His words didn't seem to match his intentions...

You reached to grab Lelouch's hand again, acting on the sudden feeling he was hiding something, you needed contact to feel his energy more properly. "You're more anxious than you let on, aren't you?"

Damnit... why is she so close again... Lelouch thought, his heart began to race at the renewed contact. He hadn't thought much of holding your hand after escaping Ohgi and Tamaki... Now, he could feel his face begin to flush.

This was that damned skill of yours... He knew what you were doing, and he didn't want to like the fact that you were spot on. "Really? Anxious about what?" Lelouch questioned, still taken aback by the intimate gesture but maintaining his composure.

You paused, you couldn't possibly know why exactly... it didn't make much sense but you could feel he was anxious... it had something to do with Ohgi, but it wasn't simply about Lelouch meeting black knights because YOU were one yourself... So why was he in a rush to leave the situation...?

You held his hand tightly. Subconsciously caressing his palm with your thumbs while you got lost into a trance, as you usually did when reading into people's emotions.

Lelouch's face was becoming visibly pink.
You looked up at him, noticing, which snapped you out of the trance you had been in. "Oh my god- sorry-" you dropped his hand, taking a step back. "I can't quite read you." You said, avoiding his eyes and looking at the ground at your feet.

Why was it so damned hard to read him... and why did your first interaction with Zero keep playing in your head.

It took every muscle in Lelouch's body for him to not grab your waist right then and there and pull you back in front of him, or rather... against him. At the end of the day, he was weak around you whether he had the mask on or not... and he could never get enough of you.

He took a deep breath, and let it out, trying to visualize all the thoughts of you disappearing, but having the opposite effect. His lips against yours was all he needed to calm his anxiety, not necessarily his other thoughts..., but certainly he would stop thinking so much about Ohgi and Tamaki being nearby, about the mission they were on, and how if they had any sense they would now be monitoring y/n.

"Don't were right though" he said in a calculated relaxed tone, his voice lacked any expression of what he actually felt inside but of course the blush on his face begged to differ. You looked back up at him, glad the awkward silence had been broken.

You became curious why he was so silent, and deep in thought... And the blush that dusted his cheeks, as if he was holding something back... "Well... of course I'm right, Slackerouge." You said looking away from him and towards the direction of the stores. "But we should probably start shopping before this whole place is bought out." You said, attempting to change the subject. The air felt thicker as you realized how alone the two of you were.

Lelouch knew he should just go with it, but his mind was still fixed on you, he wanted all of your words to belong to him- for them to swirl around in his mind, and he knew if this conversation continued, he could get what he desired. And he desired much more than your words.

"Please tell me what you're thinking..."

𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻, 𝐼𝓂 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓩𝓮𝓻𝓸 ~ Lelouch x Reader (Code Geass)Where stories live. Discover now