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You want to know what pain  is??....................
I will tell you what pain is.......................


Was with you when you had nothing!

We strived so we could have something!

Then you showed me that you loved me like a blessing!

I ignored every sting!

We did all the kissing, hugging, loving and touring!

I would follow you to the gym!

I watched you become a king!

And suddenly you said you lost the energy!

You wiped your memory!

Our love had lost its identify!

I cried, starved and begged but no remedy!

Now the only name I can hear is Jeffery!

Since you can't remember any documentary!

Now I will end it myself!

And they will say she killed herself!

Because my soul has lost itself!

And my heart crying for herself due to heart break!

Poetic dust Q/A

I really do feel hurt for her, can't believe I wrote this. What do you think??

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A THOUSAND WAYS HE BROKE ME (poem)Where stories live. Discover now