Two - Just Dance : All Ghouls 💞

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"Just Dance"
Ghoul {Sodo, Rain, Mountain, Swiss, & Aether}
: Warning ~ Fluff , Swearing , Angry Sodo :

- Authors POV -

You sat down on the couch , hot coco in your hands with a blanket pulled over your small body. You where watching your best friends Sodo, Rain, Mountain, Swiss, and Aether playing Just Dance together.

It was just you 6 in the room everyone else was either too busy or did not want to play with you guys. But the only thing is you where a little upset , the Ghoulettes said they did not want to play Just Dance due to how angry Sodo can get when he loses.

But what made you upset with this is that the Ghoulettes knew all the Ghouls had feelings for you , and you had feelings for all the Ghouls. You looked next to you to see Rain sitting down on the couch.

"Where were you?" You asked the water Ghoul as you moved closer to him to cuddle into him.

"Oh I was in my room getting changed so I could play." He stated and then kissed your forehead. You both heard the music stop and all the Ghouls slightly breathing heavily.

"Anyone of you two want to play?" Swiss asked holding out his remote to the two of you.

"I will." Rain stood up taking the remote from Swiss , Swiss smiled as he took Rain's spot and pulled you closer to him.

"How are you baby?" Swiss asked you - all the Ghouls have their own nickname that they call you , Swiss nickname for you is Baby.

"Cold ..." You told him as you watched the other Ghouls dance but cuddled into Swiss.

"Oh really? I can take Sodo's place next dance if you want to be warm." You nodded as you took a sip of your hot coco.

"Sodo , I'm taking your spot next dance , (Y/n) is cold and your the only Ghoul that can warm her up easily." Swiss said as he took his phone out and sneaked a photo of you.

"Okay." Sodo quickly responded due to him dancing to the song - you continued to watch the boys dance still cuddled up into Swiss.

You loved watching the boys play any games , even though Sodo ALWAYS got mad and might slit one of the other Ghoul's throats if no one stopped him - it was nice to watch them play together.

But you where ALWAYS the one to brake the fights up because all of them would listen to you , it was the littlest amount of power that you held over all of them.

You felt Swiss push you away and then his weight off of the couch , you smiled as Sodo sat on the couch next to you. You cuddled into him with your body almost fully on top of him.

"Comfy?" Sodo asked you as you cuddled more into him.

"Mhm..." Sodo smiled , you felt his arms pull you closer to him. You both watched the Ghouls dance to Bad Guy by Billie Eilish. (A/n : This dance is HARD on Just Dance so I feel like Aether would make them do it just to make everyone suffer- Idk just have that feeling , or Sodo.)


After about a hour of cuddling into Sodo , Aether grabbed yours and Sodo's hands dragging you both off of the couch and on to the floor. "Aether why?" You whined as you got closer to Sodo feeling more cold of his body off of you.

"We are having a dance party now stand straight." Aether told you and pushed on your back , you jumped slightly as his slight push.

"Don't be over dramatic , now Sodo here , (Y/n) take Mountain's controller." You took Mountain's controller as Sodo took Aether's controller.

"Okay , Sodo pick a song." Sodo listened to Aether and picked out Footloose (A/n : Kinda hard dance ngl , mostly if you can't jump for like a whole dance). You looked at Sodo as he just shrugged.

Aether took his vape out and took a hit , he then stood next to Rain. "Are we all ready." Everyone looked at Aether confused as he did not have a controller.

"What? We are having a dance party! Everyone is dancing no matter what!!" You all slightly laughed as Sodo clicked the button to start the game.

You all jumped along to the song while Aether jumped and singed. After the song you fell onto the floor in pain , Sodo and Rain bent down to you.

"(Y/n)!! Are you okay?!" Rain asked as he helped you sit up.

"I'll get you some water." Swiss walked into the kitchen.

"Was that too much?" Sodo looked up at the two Ghouls. Aether shrugged his shoulders.

"I think so Sodo I think so..." Mountain patted Sodo's back. You sat up slightly groaning.

"A little too much Sodo , a little too much." Swiss came over and handed you a cup of water that he got for you.

"Thank you!" You smiled at Swiss. Everyone else stood up but Sodo.

"I'm sorry my devil." Sodo hugged you slightly.

"Don't worry it's okay , you have way more stamina then me trust me." Sodo nodded softly , he helped you stand up and you looked at all the Ghouls who looked like they where tried.

"How about we have a sleepover right here." Aether and Swiss's head snapped over to you when they heard your sentence , their tails where thrashing rapidly with how excited they where.

"If I have to sleep with them two near me then no!" Sodo snapped his head over to you. You looked at Sodo and moved over to him - you where in between his legs as he was sitting on the couch.

You put your hands on his thighs and looked up at him , "Please Sodo , just for me!" He sighed and pulled you up on his lap.

"No!" You pouted and then got off his lap walking over to Swiss and Aether.

"Aether , do you want to cuddle with me tonight?" Aether nodded as his tail wagged faster. You smiled and then looked at the Ghouls.

"Can you guys get the pillows and blankets?" The Ghouls nodded and walked out of the living room to get the pillows and blankets.

As they where doing this you felt strong arms around your waist. "Picking Aether over me..." You turned around and wrapped your arms around Rain's neck.

"I love you , but this is only so Sodo gets jealous ... and plus I plan on sleeping with you tomorrow night." You smiled and pecked Rain on the cheek.

After the Ghouls came back with the pillows and blankets you guys got everything ready and then laid down to go to bed.


A/N : Hello everyone , I'm sorry this one is not THAT long , I had trouble typing this story out ngl. I'm also sorry their is not really any Aether , Swiss , and Mountain in this story and it was mostly focused on Sodo.

I try not to have so much Sodo but it's kinda hard as he is my favorite Ghoul and I just kinda get pulled to him. The same thing goes for Rain and that's why their might be a SHIT tone of them.

Again I'm sorry about all of these.

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