Seven - Snow : Swiss 💞

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Ghoul {Swiss}
: Warning ~ Fluff :

— Authors POV —

You cuddled closer into your boyfriend as you felt the coldness of the room , "Babe are you okay?" Swiss asked as he wrapped his arms around your body.

"It's cold..." You cuddled closer to him making him let out a deep chuckle. You hide your face into his neck as you cuddled closer to get warmer.

"Come on , let's get you changed into very warm clothes and then we will eat breakfast , and then make a snow man?" You looked up at your boyfriend and smiled. Swiss smiled back and pecked your nose — you walked into the closet and got changed into warmer clothes.

You and Swiss walked to the dinning room , you both parted ways when Swiss went to go talk to Aether and you walked to Sunshine to try to scare her. You put your finger on your mouth telling Cumulus to not tell Sunshine that you where behind her.

You slightly moved closer when Cirrus decided to talk , "Oh hi (Y/n)." You threw your hands up in the air and pouted when Sunshine turned around.

"I was going to scare Sunshine." You pouted and slightly groaned , Cirrus laughed slightly. You walked over to the other side of Sunshine and slightly hit Cirrus on the shoulder.

"Oh what's for breakfast?" Cirrus asked as she looked at all of us girls. You shrugged your shoulders as Cumulus smiled.

"I'm cooking pancakes and waffles!! Plane , chocolate chip , and blueberry ones!!" Cirrus's eyes widened in excitement — you and Sunshine laughed slightly , you looked over at the boys to see them laughing and talking.

Your eyes landed on the multi-ghoul and you smiled as you watched him interact with his friends. "You are so in love ..." You heard Sunshine whisper in your ear as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder.

"I mean look at him ... he is amazing , his voice is everything , the way he plays his instrument , his hands don't get me started on his fingers ..." Sunshine chuckled and patted your shoulder.

"You are very much so in love with him ... Oh by the way , after breakfast we are all planning on going outside but Sodo because we know that fire Ghoul can not deal with the cold. Would you and Swiss like to join?"

You looked at Sunshine and smiled softly , "Me and Swiss where planning on going out after breakfast and make a snowman. So we will be out their." Sunshine smiled and then walked away to the girls who walked away to go make breakfast.

You walked over to the boys and wrapped your arms around Swiss , you smiled and put your head in his neck to smell his sent. "Ewww couples." You looked up from Swiss's neck and looked at Sodo.

"Ewww it's Sodo." Sodo glared at you making you stick your tongue out at him , you then put your head back into Swiss's neck.

"You can suck my dick." You looked at Sodo , you knew he liked "fighting" with you , it was one of his favorite things to fake fight with you , Aether , and Swiss but mostly Aether.

"You can cut your cock off." You smiled. Rain chuckled lightly at your statement making Sodo's head snap over to him.

"What the fuck Rain?" Rain looked at Sodo and chuckled one more time.

"Sorry that was fucking funny." Rain laughed more and fake whipped tears that he pretended was falling down on his gray cheeks.

"Oh and Sodo , your dick is smaller then your height and that's saying something shorty." You laughed softly and then walked away after pecking Swiss on his cheek.

You walked over to the girls to see that they finished with the plane pancakes and waffles due to the three of them working together on the food.

"Do you guys need any help?" You asked them , all of them shook their head.

"We are good." Cumulus smiled as she turned around from making the pancakes that she was making. You looked at the chocolate chip batter that Sunshine was mixing and then the blueberry batter that Cirrus was mixing.

"It looks so good! I can't wait to taste it!" You smiled.

"I bet they are going to be amazing!" You looked to see Mountain walk into the kitchen , he stuck his finger in the batter that Cumulus was using and put the dough into his mouth tasting it.

"Mhm it's good." Mountain then walked away , all four of you guys just watched him until he disappeared. Cumulus groaned as she went back to cooking the pancakes.

"These boys I swear to satan I will murder all of them!" You looked at Cumulus and patted her back.

"Just not Swiss please." Cumulus looked at you and sighed.

"I guess not." You laughed slightly.

After the food was done everyone sat down and started to eat everything until it was gone. After eating you all got ready to go outside. You walked to the door to see Swiss standing their smiling with the accessories to put on the snowman that you two want to make.

You both walked outside and over to a patch of snow — Swiss dropped everything in his hands as you both started to roll the head , mid body , and the bottom of the snowman.

After getting that done you and Swiss added the button eyes , the buttons on the chest , the buttons for the smile , the top hat , the scarf , and the carrot nose.

You hugged Swiss as you both looked at your snowman after you where done. "Come on guys let's all go and watch a movie and get warmed up!!" Sunshine suggested as everyone has been out their for quite sometime.

You all went back inside and got meet with warm hitting you , you all got into comfortable clothes and sat on the couch — you cuddled into Swiss as Cirrus played a movie for all of you guys to watch.

You guys ate popcorn , made fun of the movie , and cracked jokes — you guys where enjoying the evening with each other.


A/n : Okay , I do not know how to feel with the ending of it and the lack of detail and shit but yeah I hope you enjoyed.

ALSO I only made this story as it has been snowing where I live so yeah.

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