The Boy in the Bed

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Serenity Fujakante was a simple girl. Yeah, she had a perfect boyfriend. Vali loved her to death. Yet Serenity was depressed. She had played through the popular Genshin Impact, and her favorite character, Xiao, had died. Serenity had finally gotten to the quest, and Xiao was killed. Vali sighed as Serenity fell asleep. He loved the fox girl in his bed. Vali soon fell asleep and held Serenity tightly. Whilst the lovely couple slept, a dark green glow appeared in the tent. A boy with black hair with teal streaks laid injured on the makeshift bed. A jade pole arm laid next to him on the floor of the tent.


Serenity woke up slowly. She barely registered the second body in the makeshift bed. Serenity felt Vali behind her. She sleepily set her hand down and yelped as there was a groan of pain. She was wide awake and looked down. Sleeping in her bed was Xiao from Genshin Impact. Serenity let out a cry of surprise waking up both boys in the process. Xiao whimpered at the pain that laced his body. "Vali. Help me take him to Kuroka!" Serenity said. He got up and helped Serenity carry the shirt boy out of the tent. "Kuroka! We need help!" Kuroka came out and gasped at the injuries on his body. Xiao barely registered what was going on. He leaned on the girl with fox ears and tails. She felt nice, and Xiao didn't feel his karmic debt. Xiao fainted in pain. Serenity and Vali helped take off Xiao's clothes. Le Fay took them and washed them, and used magic to help fix them up. Serenity went back to her tent and picked up the pole arm. "Oh my Goddess." Serenity said. "It's the primordial jade spear." Serenity squealed and saw a mask. It must have fallen off Xiao's belt. Serenity hummed as she picked it up. She sat down and cleaned the blood off. She also cleaned the pole arm as well. She went to the extra tent that Xiao was sleeping in and set both the masked and pole arm down. Serenity stretched and watched carefully as Xiao slept. She touched his hair and felt the diamond mark on his forehead. Le Fay came in with his clothes and set them down next to her.

"Here you go, Serenity-sama."

"Thank you." Serenity said. She got up and started to make werewolf stew using the ingredients from the forest and the deer meat from the deer she killed when she shifted. She went back to the tent and waited. Vali frowned and sighed. Serenity could take care of herself.


Xiao woke up in his underwear. He felt around for his spear and mask and shot up. "Hey! You should be careful!" A girl said. "Your mask and spear are behind me." He looked at her and blushed. The girl was in nothing but a short hoodie. "You'll rip open your stitches. I healed most of your wounds with my blood, but you still needed stitches."

"Where am i?"

"Well, Xiao." His eyes widened. "You're not in Teyvat anymore. I'm assuming you've been sent to this world." The girl explained to him what happened. She showed him a plush doll of him. Xiao frowned. "Are you ok?"

"Who are you?"

"Im Serenity Fujakante." The girl smiled. "I'm an electric kitsune." Xiao's stomach growled, and Serenity giggled. "I'll help you get dressed." She helped Xiao and helped him outside. There were more people. There was a silver haired boy who looked irritated and slightly jealous. "That's Vali Lucifer. He's a half human half devil." Xiao tensed. "Demon's from this world and your world are different. Don't worry, he's not dangerous."

"Who are the rest of these people?" Xiao asked. He saw a pretty black haired cat girl.

"The cat girl is Kuroka. She's a nekoshou. She's also a yokai. They are different here, too." Serenity said." The blonde haired girl and guy are Arthur and Le Fay Pendragon. They are humans with magic." Serenity said. "Le Fay fixed your clothes. Make sure you thank her. Kuroka helped heal you, too."

"Ok and the other one?"

"That is Bikou. He's a monkey yokai. Also, the wolf is Fenrir." Serenity then explained what she could. "Here, sir, down." Xiao sat down, and Serenity gave him a bowl of what looked like soup. "See if you can eat this." Xiao took a bite and started to scarf the food down. He was able to stomach it, and it was delicious. He held out his bowl.

"More!" Serenity took a step back in surprise. "Please." She smiled and laughed.

"Ok. Hey Xiao?" He hummed. "Can you feel your karmic debt here?" Xiao's eyes widened.

"No. It's not as bad."

"That's good. I hated seeing you in pain on the game. At least you got a second chance." Serenity smiled. Xiao blushed.

"My vision?"

"I'll train you to see if it works." Serenity said. "It will most likely be like my electric powers." She made a ball of lighting.

"Huh." Xiao said.

"Your pole arm is cleaned. So is your mask."

"Thank you."



"You still have your powers." Serenity said. Xiao blushed when she got closer. "And you seem more flustered too." Serenity teased. "After you're done healing, we will train and see what you can and can't do in this world." Xiao nodded and yawned.

"I'm tired." Xiao said.

"You'll be sleeping in me and Vali's tent. I don't exactly trust you." Serenity said. There was a sound of protest from Vali. "Oh, stop being a jealous baby." Serenity growled. Her fox ears twitched in irritation. Vali frowned and dragged the kitsune away. Xiao was confused.

"He's just jealous." Le Fay said. "He's also a dragon." Le Fay explained Vali's sacred gear to him. Xiao nodded and yawned again. Le Fay gave him a change of clothes, and he went into the tent that she pointed to.

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