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Vali cried out as he woke up from yet another nightmare. He held his hand to his chest. They were getting worse, and he knew why. She wasn't here to soothe him from his nightmares. He had images of her bloody body still fresh in his mind. He lost control of the juggernaut drive because of her. Once Vali got back in control, she was gone. The children of the Nightmare Realm took her for her to heal. Vali had tears in his eyes. He held his knees and knew it was his fault. Vali fell back asleep holding her pillow. Something got in the bed with him. Her scent overpowered him, and there was a distinct smell of roses. He knew who it was without opening his eyes. She was bound to find him once she was healed. It was in her blood to find what was hers. He welcomed her into his arms and pulled her closer. "I get hurt, and you go and get yourself shot with poison?" She said jokingly. He laughed as he breathed in her scent. He was recovering from the poison from Samuel. "Bite me." She said. "My blood will help diffuse the poison." Vali bit her neck, and she moaned. He drank the blood and could feel his power slowly coming back. He pulled away and pinned her down.

"You didn't come back." Vali said. She could see his bloodshot eyes. Her leaving affected him poorly. She wiped the tears away and pulled him into an intoxicating kiss. Vali kissed her back as his tears hit her cheeks. They wouldn't stop, and he couldn't tell if they were happy tears or he was crying because of the pain. She sat up and took her shirt off. Vali stripped down to his underwear. "You're on your period, aren't you?" She nodded.

"Yes. So all we can do is cuddle." She whispered. He burst into tears and hugged her tightly. Serenity assumed that it was the emotions finally catching up.

"I couldn't sleep. I had multiple nightmares of you dying, and yet you finally came back home!?" He hissed. Serenity was taken aback at his sudden attitude. "Why now?"

"That's because I was in a fucking crystal!" Serenity hissed back. Vali went silent. "Yeah, that's how the children of the Nightmare Realm heal. How do you think Daemon heals?"

"You were in a crystal?"

"Yes." Serenity said. "To make sure I was fully healed. I was on the brink of death, Vali!" She got up.

"Where are you going?" Vali asked.

"I'm leaving. I'll go to Kyoto. Come and get me when you don't want to be an ungracious prick." She went to go through her portal but Vali pulled her back.

"No!" He yelled as he fell down. "You're not leaving me!" Vali started to sob. Serenity stayed silent as he pulled her closer. "It's my fault. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry." He repeated over and over again. "I'm the reason you got hurt." Vali buried his face in her neck. She stayed still and Vali wrapped his legs around her. He was practically sitting in her lap. He rocked them back and forth as he hyperventilated. Serenity was still irritated. It wasn't her fault that she was in the crystal. Serenity let him continue to have a panic attack. She wasn't in the mood for his childishness. He soon fell asleep and she moved away. She covered him up and left.


Vali woke up alone on the floor. She was gone and he knew it was his fault. Serenity almost died and he got mad at her. He shouldn't have picked a fight with her while she was bleeding. Vali sighed and he went to Kyoto. He was feeling much stronger thanks to Serenity's blood. He saw Serenity sitting at a park. It was dark and she was swinging. Vali sat on the swing next to her. "Are you done with your attitude?" She asked. Serenity was a bitch when she was on her period.

"I'm sorry. You're right. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you. You almost died twice." Vali said.

"You hurt me." Serenity said. "When you got mad at me for something I had no control over."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm pregnant." Serenity said. Vali froze.


"That's why it took so long for me to heal." Serenity said. "That's why I didn't drink Daemon's blood." Vali froze and he got off the swing. She had stopped swinging and was just sitting there. He sat on his knees in front of her.

"You're pregnant?" She nodded. That was why she was so emotionless. Because she was pregnant. He knew why she left and he could see that she was crying. He kissed her and she kissed him back. "I'm so sorry. I was so mean to you. I made you cry." He wipes her tears away. "Will you marry me?" He whispered just enough for her to hear him. Her eyes widened as he pulled a ring out. "I was supposed to propose before you got attacked." Vali said. "Because whenever I'm with you I'm home. You are my home Serenity. You are the light to my darkness. You saved me and now I can say that. I love you so fucking much." Vali confessed. She nodded and tackled him.

"Yes!" There was the sound of clapping and Serenity and Vali saw Yasaka.

"I apologize for ruining the moment. But it's getting late, Serenity. With you being pregnant you need rest." Yasaka said. She smiled and they got up. "Come along you two." They followed the fox Youkai. "So that's two weddings than Serenity."

"I forgot about that." Vali said. He was so caught up in the moment that he completely forgot that Serenity and Yasaka were engaged. It was one of the conditions for the peace treaty between the werewolves and youkai. Vali held Serenity's hand and Yasaka held her other one. Vali was finally home.

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