Now That We're Men

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"Come on, kiddies! Have some ice cream!" the old woman yelled, firing another bullet at them. Y/n tried to swerve out of the way; left and right they went.

"Is it just me or are we screwed?!" Y/n yelled over the guns.

But Bob tried to bring them up. "C'mon, N/n, ya gotta think positive!"


Another bullet fired and lodged itself into the back tire, the control of the car being taken from Y/n. "JUMP FOR IT, GUYS!" she yelled at them when she realized there would be no regaining control. The doors opened and they all jumped, the car going over the cliff, followed by the gang's car, the bottom unseeable.

Bob, Patrick, and Y/n sat in front of the drop, mouths agape. As they slowly stood, Bob sighed, "Well, we lost our car again."

"Sandy's gonna kill me..." Y/n whispered, feeling her throat tighten as she remembered all the hard work that had put in it.

But Patrick had other concerns. "Nevermind the car. Where's the road?"



Bob looked at him to tell him to knock it off and Y/n, doing the same, shot him a glare.

"R..." He realized they were both looking. "Sorry."

Perking up, Bob pointed across the gaping hole. "There's the road!"

Y/n saw it from across the trench. "Yeah. On the other side of this...deep...dark...dangerous..."

"Hazardous," Patrick added, seeing a fire down below.


A roar echoed throughout the bottom. "Monster infested."

"Yeah, monster infested..."

Bob gulped. "Trench."

Patrick scanned the area until he found a steep set of stairs. "Hey, guys, look. Here's a way down." As Bob looked at it with dread, Patrick shrugged, figuring, "Well. We're not gonna get the crown standing here. On to Shell City!" He took the first step, met with a monstrous growl. At first, he was shocked and pulled his foot back, but with a cheeky smile, he kept pushing on the step and letting it growl. "Hey, look, it's making noise," he chuckled.

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Fantastic." She went to glance at Bob, but realized he was gone. "Bob?"

He was walking away from the trench. Patrick ran to catch-up, asking, "Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going home, Patrick."

"But what about Mr. Krabs?"

"What about us?!" he demanded, grabbing his shoulders as Y/n jogged to catch-up. "We'll never survive that trench! You said it yourself. This is man's country. And let's face it, Pat. We're"

"We're not kids!" he yelled back, offended.

"OPEN YOUR EYES, PATRICK!" Bob screamed at him, making Y/n cringe back. "We blow bubbles, we eat ice cream...we worship a dancing peanut, for corn sake! For the love of Neptune, I can't even tell Y/n I love her without having to get drunk and screw her on the floor of a children's ice cream place!"

"Technically, we were both drunk," she cut in.


"Come on, Bob, you don't worship him," Y/n retorted.

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