Fated Meeting

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Hela Valhalaramma Haddock was forced awake by the sound of explosions, followed by angry Viking cries. She sighed annoyedly, throwing herself off her bed, grabbing her dagger that lay on her desk, and quickly putting on her hooded fur vest. Hela swiftly moved down her stairs and towards the front door, opening it only to slam it shut.

The reason why came seconds later, as the fourteen-year-old held the door against the fierce assault of a Monstrous Nightmare's flames. The fire seeped through the cracks around the door for a few seconds before disappearing.

Opening the door once more, Hela rushed into the Viking-crazed chaos, weaving in and out amongst the running Vikings who were cursing the dragons as if they understood their language.

'My name is Hela. Hela Haddock. It's better than most names around here, as children are often named to scare off gnomes and trolls by their parents.'

Chaos had been a normal thing for Hela, or for any Viking that has lived in the village. It had been the norm since the Vikings's ancestors first sailed here, 300 years ago, creating the Hooligan tribe and the village of Berk.

The reason for the chaos is dragons.

While most places had a few pests, Berk had massive pests. Fire-breathing pests. They've been here for all the seven generations that the village has been here, raiding and destroying the village. Therefore, every single building is new.

'Why we hadn't left for somewhere less harsh and less full of dragons, I will never know, but Vikings had stubbornness issues, so that would probably explain why.'

And she would think that she was the stubbornest of them all. Hela was a short girl, with gorgeous forest green eyes, a small button nose, pouty lips, and beautiful rich auburn hair free flowing to her waist, and though not much developed yet, a figure most girls would kill for, with a modest chest. She wore a green tunic with a hooded fur vest, black leggings, and fur boots.

Sprinting through the village, Hela had to keep her amusement in check while watching two men warm their backsides up with their house, which was currently on fire.

Her focus was taken back, however, when a large, shouting object came shooting towards her from above.

"AAAAAGGGHHH! Mornin'!" Was the answer she received when said object landed on her. A large, burly thing wielding an axe and breath smelling of mead, it was obvious it was a Viking. Hela quickly jumped to her feet and took off once more; however, others obviously disagreed with that action and quickly began shouting things at her as she ran past.

"What are you doing here?"

"Get inside!"

"What are you doing out there?"

"Get back inside!"

Those were just a few of the things that were shouted her way. Hela sighed annoyedly. It had been over 2 years since she last did anything disastrous, but that did little to dissuade the Vikings. She had been trying to prove herself to her father, to show him that she could kill dragons, but every time she tried, something went wrong.

Between this and the fact she couldn't even wield any weapons nor had any practice, though the information was 2 years out of date, it had granted her the title of 'Hela the Useless'. It had been granted to her by her bullies, Dogsbreath and his lackies, Warlout, a distant cousin of hers, and Bluck, who had liked to tease her since she was a kid, though it had slowed a lot in recent years after she knocked out Warlout.

Distracted by these thoughts, she never saw a Deadly Nadder streak downward, burning the pathway in front of Hela, who had to force herself to stop, almost falling into the fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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