Chapter 11 (S2 Finale)

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[At the start of the episode, Gumball is in bed when he is awoken by the ringing of an alarm clock on the nightstand. He reaches over to silence it, then shouts at a still sleeping Darwin and pulls Y/n out of his tunnel]

Gumball: Quick! We have to get dressed, eat breakfast, and get to school on time, or Mom's gonna kick our butts! Good thing I slept in my clothes!

[Gumball jumps out of bed to discover he is only wearing underpants and Darwin's shoes]

Darwin: Hey, those are my clothes!

Gumball: No time to change! You put on mine! Y/n! Wake up!

[Y/n is shown sleep as he stands up. Gumball shakes him awake. Gumball runs out of the bathroom and goes downstairs with a tube of toothpaste in his hand. Darwin exits the bedroom and waddles after him while dressed in Gumball's sweater and pants, while Y/n sleepily walks out]

Darwin: Dude, wait up! I can't walk here!

[Darwin falls over and the two topple down the stairs, miraculously changing clothes when they reach the bottom]

Gumball: Huh, that worked out better than I expected.

Darwin: You're wasting time!

Y/n: Mmmhm, five more minutes, mom...

Darwin: [Notices Y/n's on autopilot] How is he still sleeping?

[In the kitchen, Darwin is holding butter, a toaster, and toothpaste, while Gumball hands him several slices of bread and cheese from the fridge]

Gumball: We have to go faster! Spread the toothpaste on the toast, put the cartoons on fast-forward and give me a milk shower.

[In the living room, Y/n, Gumball and Darwin are eating toast with toothpaste and watching TV. Suddenly, the TV turns off, and the two notice that Richard and Anais are sitting right next to them in their sleepwear]

Gumball: Dude, it's Saturday...

[Gumball and Darwin celebrate by jumping up into the air as they imagine fireworks surrounding them, while Ode To Joy plays. While Y/n snores quietly, before Anais squirts whipped cream in his mouth.]

Anais: [Squirts whipped cream into her mouth] And it's Dad who's looking after us. [Squirts some more whipped cream into her mouth]

[Gumball jumps into Darwin's arms with a slow iris shot as they smile. Just before it closes, Anais squirts whipped cream into Gumball's mouth]

Gumball: Ahh... I was hoping you'd do that.

[The Elmore shopping mall is shown. Anais and Darwin are walking together]

Darwin: I love hanging out at the mall with Mr. Dad.

Anais: I know, right? You stay in your pajamas, eat junk food all day, and get anything you ask for. It's like a really trashy Christmas.

[Richard is pushing the cart behind Anais and Darwin, while eating candy]

Gumball: [Interrupts Richard] Hey Dad, can I have twenty bucks to get my eyebrow pierced?

Richard: First, I need to ask you one question, young man. Are you ready for the responsibility of how awesomely cool this is going to make you?

Y/n: [Sleep talking] No.

Gumball: [Bows at one knee] Yes, father. I am.

[Richard pulls out a dollar note, while the Wilsons are watching]

Richard: Then take this twenty, and may radness illuminate your path.

Jackie​: Uh, are you seriously letting your child get one of his eyebrows pierced?!

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