Chapter 17 (S4)

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[In his bedroom, Gumball is at his computer, making weird faces while smiling. He is sending messages back and forth with someone]

Anais: Gumball.

[Gumball turns Anais and Y/n, still making faces]

Anais: Egh, what's wrong with your face?

[Gumball receives a response on the computer and turns back around to type]

Y/n: Of course, you're chatting with Penny.

[They look at the screen as Gumball types]

Anais: When did you guys learn to speak Egyptian?

Gumball: These are emojis. It's the new way to communicate. It's not that complicated. Look, see this? [Points to a message with a hand emoji and a crown emoji] It means [Romantic voice] "Hello, princess."

Y/n: Okay. What about that? [he points to a message with a burger emoji, a candle emoji, a cat emoji, and a question mark]

Gumball: It's pretty obvious. [Romantic voice] "Wanna have a romantic dinner with me?"

[Gumball receives a message]

Gumball: Oh.

[Penny has sent two pizza slice emojis]

Gumball: "Dinner is served."

[He resumes typing]

Anais: Wait, you're having a virtual romantic dinner by chat log?

Gumball: Well, duh, if kids can't be bothered to type words, do you really think they'll make the effort to find a job to pay for an actual dinner?

Y/n: That's.... Actually a good point.

[He resumes typing]

Anais: I'm four years old, and you're making me feel forty-four.

[Gumball types a mustache emoji and an "OK" emoji. He makes a mustache on his face]

Gumball: [Romantic voice] "A-delicious."

[He resumes typing]

Anais and Y/n: Ohhh.

Gumball: "A toast to your beauty."

[Gumball types a girl emoji and a spilling glass emoji]

Gumball: Oh, no! Dumb keyboard, I spilled the drink! I gotta call the waiter.

[Gumball types a hand emoji and a taxi emoji]

Gumball: Oh, man, I accidentally hailed a cab! It's crashing through the restaurant! No! [Penny has sent a toilet emoji and an ocean wave emoji] It wrecked the restroom, it's flooding! [Penny sends a swimmer emoji] People are swimming in bathroom water! [Penny sends a shark emoji] It's attracting sharks! [Penny sends a party popper emoji and a water closet emoji] This party's pooped! [She sends another message] "Sorry, I fell asleep with my face on the keyboard, better go to bed." [Sighs, relieved] Wait, WHAT THE WHAT?!

[His face becomes 8-bit and horrified]

Anais: What is the what?

Gumball: [Still 8-bit] Penny only signed out with one emoji with hearts for eyes instead of her usual three!

[Gumball paces back and forth nervously]

Y/n: I think you might be overreacting.

Gumball: You don't understand, I always get three!

Y/n: Listen, when me and Masami text, sometimes we're just so inconsistent with texting that we just don't reply. Nobody takes it personally. Maybe Penny was just tired.

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