Chapter 19 (S4 Finale)

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(A/n: Finally get to scratch my combat itch.)

[The sky fades to night time and the moon comes up]

The Moon: [Narrating] When darkness falls across the town.

[Shot cuts to Teri, who yawns then erases her eyes and draws a sleep mask]

The Moon: The people start to settle down. And into bed, they gently drift, unless they're on the nighttime shift.

[Cut to Rachel, who can be seen at her nighttime shift, smiling with one of her eyes twitching]

The Moon: When everyone has hit the sack.

[Cut to Sarah who puts her head inside the freezer]

The Moon: And Richard's eaten his nighttime snack.

[Cut to Richard, who is sleepy while trying to eat his spaghetti but eventually falls asleep, his face falling on the plate of spaghetti. Richard can then be heard snoring]

The Moon: None-the-less.

[Shot cuts to Traffic Lights, with the red light falling asleep]

The Moon: When everything is tired and bleary.

[Cars collide as a result of the red light turning off and falling asleep. Red light immediately wakes up and turns back on]

The Moon: They spoon together snug but weary.

[Cut to the Spoons and Forks, rolling back and forth, asleep. Cuts back to the Moon]

The Moon: Off they drift to a distant place.

[Cut to Ocho, "pausing" and sleeping]

The Moon: Not bound by rules of time and space.

[Bobert charges himself and shuts down]

The Moon: A place of wonder, of sounds and sights.

[Cut to William, who gets glitter from the Moon's transition on him, causing him to fly around panicking and cracking]

The Moon: A place of joy, of fear or frights.

[Cut to the Moon, at the Wattersons' house]

The Moon: So join me now and we'll explore, the dreams of those down in Elmore.

[Camera fades into Gumball's bedroom right in front of his face]

Gumball: [Gasps, then leans back on his pillow while sighing] Darwin, do you sometimes get that weird feeling like you're falling when you're going to sleep?

[Camera zooms out, revealing that Gumball is in his bunk bed in outer space, falling down]

Gumball: [Screams] Oh, wait a minute. This is a dream. Nothing bad can happen. I'll simply wake up before I hit the ground.

[As he falls down, he hits a satellite, an airplane, Mrs. Jötunheim, Hector, the Chanax Inc. building, a suspended window cleaning ledge, and then his own roof]

Gumball: [Beaten up] Uhn... finally.

[As he is about to hit the ground, Gumball wakes up in alarm but bumps his head on the top bunk, accidentally knocking himself out]

Mister Small​​​​​​: Ahh, the land of slumber. A magic world where one can fly or breathe underwater. A place where rainbows flow like rivers and animals dance on clouds. A place with no limits. Where, oh where, shall my wondrous imagination take me this time?

[Falls asleep, and wakes up in his dream in a cramped house, with a clock ticking in the background. Mr. Small is about to scream but screams really quietly]

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