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As Kosa was busy counting his weekly money, the second incoming call came in from Serenity making him quickly decline it and finish what he was doing before.

He didn't have any words to say to her.

It was a simply no comment.

It was no hard feelings.

He just did not! Want to talk to her.

After everything that had went down with Dayvon it just threw him all the way off.

He seen potential in Serenity. He could make out she would be his favorite. Because he didn't think she would be going like that. He thought she was a down bitch that stuck to one hoe.

He was mistaken. But he should've known better. That toxic ex shit was there before he came, he should've known it wasn't going to leave once he officially came into the picture.

Now he was subtracting himself out! Of the equation.

He felt some type of way even though he shouldn't have. He was really going to be different with Serenity because he thought she was different. He thought she was a good girl. He was wrong. So, she can get the same treatment as the rest of the girls. None.

Serenity on the other hand didn't even know where her head was. Where her mind was. She was just going with whatever flow she had as the days went by.

And let me tell you, it wasn't nothing positive.

Today was her first time actually calling Kosa because she felt like she would get rejected. And she did, which is why it had taken her so long to reach out because she just had a feeling that, that just might happen.

She didn't even know what to do anymore.

She didn't want to to talk to nobody. She didn't want to see nobody. She didn't want to do anything. She didn't want to leave the house. She just wanted to be by herself, in her own space, with her phone turned off.

That's what she wanted.

As Kosa was doing that Alexis walked in. As always doing her daily. Whenever she got off she came to pay Kosa a quick visit.

"Aw...Mr big baller money counter." She spoke. He didn't really acknowledge her. He was trying to stay focused. "How you feeling?"

"Aggravated." He mumbled.

"Why?" She asked. He ignored her. "See yo lil girlfriend haven't been here in a while."

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