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Happy reading 💙

The sun starting it's show brightly in the sky after the clouds had cried their eyes out all night.

Some Birds being happy as their homes have been saved and some started building their home stronger than their last one.

Just another day.

But for Almond Valentino and Matteo Silvestro it's not a usual day.

More than last night's turmoil, there going to be a tsunami in their life.

Valentino and Silvestro's have a long history together.

A two man's friendship started their bond, themselves ended it.

One's persistence can melt a person's heart.

But one's ego can make a heart freeze and frozen heart heats one's mind making it shut down from people forever.

Do people love for each other fades away with a fight?

Do people love for each other will be eaten away by anger?

"Matteo, I'm scared. It's not easy to talk this thing to my sister and to your brother. They hate each other just like our parents", Holding Matteo's hand Almond's green emerald eyes teared up in fear.

She always fears and worries about negativities.

The other one showed his perfect teeth in a charming smile with his brown eyes, shining under his thick eyelash.

The one who always thinks positive outcomes.

Is that what attracted each other?

Exact opposite personalities.

"Almond, For once in my life I think I'm making the right decision. Don't worry about the result. Let's start the game and worry about it atlast", patting his girlfriend's head,he winked at her as she smiled.

Making their way inside the tallest building in the city.

Valentino Empire.

Valentino's known for their architectural designs, textiles and Electronic gadgets.

Getting to the last floor in elevator, their hands sweated inside a well conditioned office.

They heard her voice.

The voice holding authority yet calmness.

Even a paper will not be missed in her office.

Her office is a sacred place for her.

She is a well organized one.

Self dependent.

She is what people calls,"perfectionist".

No one knows what's going on in her mind.

Her moves are never predictable.

"Well done guys, the Kingston's approved of our idea. The contract was signed", she smiled at the people occupied her office awaiting for the results.

Finance head, Managing director and her personal assistant.

"An incentive and five days package to Miami. Ten people will be selected by myself in each department and the rest of fifteen by yourself. Ms.Victoria, select a family package", she finished her words with an order to her personal assistant.

"Add Receptionist too. You may all leave",
She dismissed her teammates.

"Ms.Valentino, your sister Almond is waiting with a man for your presence", Victoria informed her boss.

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