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I am a combination of two worlds 

Both are as old as time 

One no less than the other

And although one prevail

The other never fell 

Surviving despite hardships is winning 

In staying, they made me 

I am the combination of war and its ramifications 

I am the crumbs they left behind 

After they ate everything and more of what we had 

Yet I can not deny that I am also part of them

 Half of me comes from their sins 

The other is from the resistance of those without hope

Nature took its course 

And all that is left for me to do is pray 

I pray that I descend of love and not rape 

That my legacy is something more than pain 

That I am not a curse thrust upon this world

That those before me were loved and cared for 

That I was not a chain of subjugation that lingered through centuries 

But a ray of hope 

That in the end, everything was worth it all 

Thinking otherwise drives me crazy 

I despair 

I rage 

I cry in vain

I am the victim and the perpetrator 

Stuck between the cruelty and kindness of others 

I cannot deny anyone sins, for they all belong to me 

Half of me is the receiver 

While the other half is the giver 

In the end, what does that make me?

I inherit everyone's mistakes

Alongside a mountain of bones and flesh

Rivers of tears and the blood that was shed 

The glass is filled until it spills 

And my soul cries for all the hurt my other half has caused

 Yet my other half does not regret what it has done 

After all, it is the reason I exist 

So how can I coexist? 

When I am two opposites crashing against each other 

Biting and clawing 

Demanding retributions

Demanding executions 

Revolutions and persecutions 

Evolution is all I want 

To grow into happiness 

Serenity and calmness 

For, in the end, I am a human being 

There is no difference between the halves of me 

For we feel the same feelings, 

We think the same way 

We share the same interest

 We are no different from the rest 

For we share everything 

We may be from two very different worlds

But we make one 

One human being 

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