The Flight

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AN: Ok so this time i am updating the story from my computer and let me tell you it is so much easier! well, here you go! Keep reading, commenting, and voting! Thanks!

Chapter 3: The Flight

Me and Taylor struggled to bring our bags into the airport. With 2 weeks away from your closet and being a girl, you need a LOT of bags! We each had 4 at least, and that's not including our carry-ons. Once finally getting through all the metal detectors and getting our bags checked, we got our plane tickets and found seats near our terminal. "Dude, Harlee!" Taylor loudly whispered. "What?" I said. She pointed over at the terminal next to ours. "Do you see them? Those teenagers over there?" I looked toward where she was pointing. I saw a boy with shaggy-like blond hair, just like Niall's, and a guy with a dark brown quiff IDENTICAL to Zayn's. I also saw a curly haired one which sooo reminded me of Harry. "Well, do you?" asked Taylor. I shook myself back to reality. "Huh? Oh yeah I see them, why?" I stuttered, still dumbfounded by how much they looked like the 1D hotties we would be meeting in a few hours. "Do they remind you of anyone, in particular?" Taylor asked? She was probably thinking the same thing as me. "One Direction?" I asked. "YES!" She said. We continued to stare untill I realized they were coming toward us. "Tay! Stop staring! The're coming over here! Act cool!" As soon as they got close enough I realized it was really them. One Direction, walking up to us. Liam and Louis weren't far behind. "Excuse me ladies," Harry said, in a gentlemen kind of way. "Have you heard of or seen lately a Miss Harlee Campbell?" I froze, just like I had when I unwrapped the tickets. "Uh..uh..y..yeah, that's me. I'm Harlee Campbell." Taylor was about as frozen as I. "Well," Zayn added. "We've been looking for you and also a Miss Taylor Hayes. we got a phone call from a Mr. Tom Mirage that told us to let them onto the tour bus for free, since he was a cop or something." Me and Taylor glanced at eachother, then back at the boys. Taylor spoke first. "well, that would be us! And I can't believe you are actually here without a swarm of girls around you! No offense or anything," "None taken" Niall smirked. I finally found my voice. "I'm sorry if we are going to be a disruption, we will pay if you really want us to?" Louis laighed, "You dont think we have enough money already?" The boys joined in on the laughter and I glanced at Taylor again. She was about to scream, I could see it in her eyes, but I silently motioned for her not to make a sound. We were in the presence of sexy boy band millionaires who were actually talking to us! We could not let one little scream ruin this moment. "Well," I said. "Me and Tay had better get going. It's been amazing meeting you, but we're about to miss our flight." We started to walk away when, "wait!" Liam called. "We're on that flight too! We can walk together!" Taylor punched me and i think i know exactly what she was trying to say. Dude, we're on the same flight as one direction and I still need to scream, what do i do? I know, a lot from just one punch but we have known eachother for so long that we basically know everything about eachother. I gave her a glance that I hope she read as I dont know, let's just go to the bathroom and you can let it all out then. She said "Let what all out? I am not constipated you know! Jeez!" I laughed. "No I meant the screams." We laughed like crazy. "is everything ok, girls?" Harry asked sarcastically. "Yep! Just lettin it all out!" Taylor said, which just led to even more giggling.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Once we boarded the plane we discovered that our seats were completely in the front, and the boys' completely in the back. "I guess this is goodbye untill we land" Zayn said romantically, to Taylor. I winked at her, and she mouthed "Shut up". I smirked. She turned back to Zayn. "Yeah, I mean, once we're in flight then I guess we could walk around once in a while?" He smiled. Man he totally had a crush on her. "Sounds good!" He turned ald walked back down the aisle to his seat. Taylor started fanning herself with her hand. A gesture we like to call OMG-he's-so-cute. "Oh my gosh I think he was just flirting with me!" she squealed. I laughed. If only that were Niall to me. I glanced back. Zayn was whispering something into Niall's ear. Niall came walking up the aisle and tapped Taylor on the shoulder. Great. Now she had Niall and Zayn hitting on her. "Taylor right? I just wanted to tell you that Zayn wants your number." I sighed. Taylor had a puzzled look in her face. "Aren't he and Perrie going out?" She asked Niall. His mouth fell open. "NO! Didn't you hear? She and Zayn got in a car accident because their friend was drunk. Zayn was on the passenger side of the car and didn't get a scratch. But the driver side, lets just say she's happier now." He looked away. Taylor looked concerned. "Oh, we'll here's my number" She handed it to Niall and just as he was about to walk away, he turned to me. "Hey goregous! Harlee right? May I ask for yours as well?" I blushed. "Sh-sh-sure! H-here!" I scribbled my number onto a napkin I saved from breakfast. "Thanks love!" He said turning away. Taylor looked over at me and I imagined her in a cartoon with pulsing hearts instead of eyes. She squeezed me and shook me. What the heck was she going to say now? "OMG are you and I seriously on a plane right now being flirted with by the 2 hottest guys in 1D???" I laughed. "Yep, Tay. I think this may actually be happening!" We squealed in sync. Just then the flight attendant passed our seat. "Anything for you girls today?" She said. "Do you have any honey BBQ Buffalo Wild Wings sauce by any chance? Drizzled over popcorn chicken?" She gave us a sideways look. "Ma'am, this is an airplane, not a kitchen. Here is the menu." I laughed. "But Miss, me and Taylor only eat honey barbecue popcorn chicken when were together. Nothing else."

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