Donut Surplus

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AN: OMG!!! I reached 100 reads!!! Make sure if you read this you spread the word to your fellow fellows!! Peace out bruh!!!

Chapter 8: Donut Surplus

It had been 4 days since I got the cast on, and lucky tme, we stopped by a doctor in New York who said it was never really broken, and he took the cast off! Later that day, we decided we wanted to go touring. We stopped by the Statue of Liberty and downtown NY. We also saw 2 broadway shows. Taylor had more fun I think taking pictures of all the places we went and posting on Instagram then actually going to the places. She and Zayn were glued to each other the whole day. As were Liam and Danielle, and Louis and Elanor. Harry decided to dump Juliet since she never really talked to him, and hung out with herself more than him. Me and Niall were kind of distant for a while, then around dinner, that completely changed. Zayn and Taylor went off to have a romantic picnic under the stars near the Statue of Liberty. Harry, Louis, and Elanor ate out at steak and shake then went off to see a movie, and Liam and Danielle went off window shopping. All that was left in the hotel room now was me and Niall. We didn't really talk until we heard a knock at the door. I got up to get it but Niall pushed me down and got it, not opening it enough for me to see who it was. Suddenly, Niall ran up to me handing me a picnic basket and picking me up. In the parking lot were two 4-wheelers with keys in them. "Alrighty Harlee. Open the basket." He was smiling so big, that it almost scared me to think what was in the basket. I opened it slowly and found a helmet with 1D stickers all over it. "Race me?" Niall asked. "Why would I say no?" I cheered and hopped onto the four wheeler with the biggest smile on my face. I started it before he could even get on, and sped down the highway. I pulled over to the side of the road, just to be nice. A few seconds later, he came up beside me. "What happened to saying go?" He put on a pouty face. "Boo hoo, Niall boo. It's ladies first." I started forward, and he was close behind me. I picked up my foot and put it on the wheely bar, and did one. Then I let out a loud "WOOOHOOO!". He pulled alongside me and asked me how I did that. I replied, "practice makes perfect my young man!" He laughed. "Hey, I know you're wearing nice clothes, but would you maybe want to go mudding?" I was shocked. "They actually go mudding where you're from? I thought that was more of a country thing." He laughed. "Ok, so just because you're from Missouri you think you're all country?" he faked a country accent. I had to laugh. "Actually, way more country than you think. I was born in Texas." He rolled his eyes. "We'll if you have to be all specific then!" We pulled off to the non-ditch side of the road and rode until we saw an open field. It had rained the day before, so the mud was fresh and just the right amount wet. "Are you ready to get your outfit totally ruined?" Niall asked looking at me. "Yeah, but not as much as your hair will be totally destroyed from wearing that helmet!" He made a little 'ooh hoo hoo!' Sound and then he was off. It was a stupid choice to ride in back of him, since all the mud went flying in my face, so I tried to pull to the side. As I was doing this I didn't look in front of me to see that there was a hill coming up. I was no motocross rider, but I did love a good hill. I decided to stay behind Niall just for this jump when, BANG! I ran into him. "WTF!?" I yelled. "Sorry Harlee. After that hill my 4-wheeler shut off, so I'm kind of stuck here." He removed his helmet, and proved my earlier comment wrong. His hair was still perfect (as always) and his eyes stood out against the faint trace of dust on his face. I walked toward him, removing my helmet. I ran my fingers through my hair, and grabbed his hand. As though he read my mind, he leaned forward. I did the same. Our lips connected. I felt the feelings I felt the first time we kissed. That energetic, butterfly sort of feeling. I felt his tongue against my lips and didn't let it in. I'd never let another humans tongue in my mouth while kissing...EVER! Then I thought to myself, maybe this could be the first. I opened my lips a small gap, and felt it go in. Freaking out, I pulled away. Staring into my eyes, he let out a sweet "cool". And with that, I tied his four wheeler to the back of mine, and drove us back to the hotel, fangirling all the way there. I, Harlee Campbell, had just recieved the germs of Niall Horan. I was so putting this on Facebook.

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