London Bridges

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AN: Hey! so this chapter is going to be about them going around in london and everything before the concert, so it may be kinda short. Sorry! ;)

Chapter 5: London Bridges

We got off the bus at some weird place called "The Bus Graveyard" Which didn't sound very pleasing. The driver explained how this is where we would exchange busses with a new one, so I guess since we were getting rid of the old one the term 'graveyard' kind of made sense. When we got onto the new bus it was almost 5x bigger than the other one. It had 2 floors, and 2 king bedrooms along with a kitchen, bathroom, and a HUGE plasma t.v. "OMG this is better than my house, and its a BUS!" Taylor yelled in excitement, and all the directioners including myself, laughed. I went up to sit by Niall and realized that he was sitting 'dangerously' close to a girl. And she wasnt just any girl. She was SUPER pretty. I wondered what was going on, but i didnt want to interrupt if nothing serious was happening. I looked over at Tay and realized she and Zayn were kissing again. I honestly dont know where all the kissing came from. Where was the shy little Taylor i'd known for all my life? This seemed more like Meghan behavior. I slumped down in my seat. I missed Meghan, even though I bet she didnt miss me. We'd gotten in a fight over something stupid the day before we left for the airport and now she wouldn't even talk to me. I tried to be nice to her and apologize for whatever it was that I did, but she would never accept it. I wished she would talk to me at least again so I could tell her how much fun we were having, but then again that would probably just tick her off even more. The bus lurched forward and I felt stupid because I fell out of the seat. a girl came up to me and helped me up. She looked familiar, I just couldn't put a name on her. Maybe she'd gone to the same middle school as me or something. "Hey" she said. "Are you Harlee Campbell?" I must've scrunched my eyebrows or something because she said "yes you, I think we might have gone to school together or something. Maybe we were on the same team in 8th Grade." I still had no idea who this chick was. I glanced over to Taylor and Zayn who were being flirtatious with eachother again so i just decided to answer the girl. "Yeah, I'm Harlee. I thought you looked kind of familiar too. Were you on the Cardinals?" She nodded. "Im Kaylee. Kaylee Retrop" I smacked myself in the forehead. "Wow, I feel stupid. Is Brittany Bolton here too? I thought you guys were like, BFF's or something." That came out a little snobby but I dont think she noticed. "No, she has drivers ed for the 5th time today. She can ride a horse, but obviously not a car!" We laughed. "well, it was nice seeing you again! Taylor Hayes is in the back with Zayn if you wanna go talk to her." I said. She nodded her head and walked off toward the back. 20 minutes later we passed a sign that said "you are now entering the land of the 2012 summer olympics, LONDON" I laughed at that. Still glorifying over last year's olympics. We pulled to a stop in front of a store that said "Bills Mustache Imporium. Disguises for any occasion." What the heck were we here for? Then I remembered that we were going out in public, and we were with 1D. Click! Went the switch in my head, joining the thoughts. I looked back at Taylor and Zayn again, and realized they were taking pictures. I wondered if they would be putting them on instagram. I bet they would. I was tired of turning my head, and the girl was still with Niall, so I just decided to interrupt their little 'romantic' moment. "Hey Tay!" I said. She looked up. "Oh, hi Harlee. Where's Niall?" she said giggling. I looked up at the front seat. "Up there, with some...girl." When I said this Zayn started cracking up. I dont even know why. "What's so funny?" I demanded. He whispered something into Taylor's ear then they slapped 5's. "What! What's going on!" I yelled in a waah-waah tone. "Oh, you know, the usual," Zayn stated in between laughs. I gave Taylor the 'tell-me' look and she gave in. "Oh, alright. Me and Zayn decided to hire some random person off this bus to go sit with Niall and pretend to flirt so you would get jealous. And obviously, It worked BABAY!" She and Zayn high 5ed again. "Ok, but why?" I said, feeling like an idiot. "Why not?" Zayn smarted. "Ha-ha!" I said. Flicking my hair and walking up to tell Niall the gig was up. I could sill hear them laughing as I walked up the aisle. I was about to Niall's seat when...WOAH THERE!!! I backed up a couple steps. There was Harry, in plain sight, making out with a messy redhead. From behind, she looked just like Ed Sheeran. That was super creepy. After assuring that she was a girl, I walked up to Niall. "ok, Mrs. Horan, the gig's up. You can move now." She looked at me. I was at a loss for words. When she turned around I realized this was Louis wearing a wig and wearing loofas under his shirt as boobs. "Ok, but first I have one question, did you really think I was a girl?" I could feel my face getting red and hot. "uh, yeah. kinda" I stammered. He started cracking up, as did Niall. I felt like a clown. Almost everyone on this bus was laughing at me now. I was about to turn and walk off the bus untill, "Ok boys, come and get your disguises. One mustache and wig per boy please! Anything else you can distribute amongst yourselves." Some professional looking lady said, stepping onto the bus. I shoved Louis and grabbed the seat that Niall was just sitting in. It was warm. Eew! I moved over to the seat right next to it. Ahh, much better. I couldn't help but laugh at the boys. Zayn had on a black Afro with a blonde mustache, Liam had on dreadlocks and a Japanese mustache along with Steven Tyler style sunglasses, and you can just imagine hat the other boys were wearing. I pulled out my iPhone and snapped a few pics posting them to Instagram right away, tagging each of them in all the photos along with #dorks and #sexy and #mustaches. Just before hitting "post" I stopped myself. I could possibly be ruining the whole point of the disguises. If anybody figured out it was them, and the boys figured out it was me that spilled, I would be DEAD! I took a screenshot and decided to save the bragging for later. Once all the boys were in disguise, the lady in the suit stepped off the bus and we turned a few corners to find the biggest mall I've seen in my life besides for the Mall Of America. I grabbed Taylor by the arm and pointed at the mall. "OMG Harlee, do you see the size of that place?!?!?" She said. "Nawh." I laughed. We chatted about all the clothes we were gonna buy when I realized, "Uh Tay" I said. "You do realize we forgot to grab our money from the hotel right??" I was panicking. For some reason she looked absolutely fine. "OMG I thought you had it!!!" She yelled. I was shaking. I felt my face getting hot and tears welling in my eyes. "We had...sniff... 1,000 dollars...sniff... In all and now...sniff ... It's all GONE!" I cried. Taylor started laughing. "Yeah, this may be funny to you but gues what! That was my life's savings that I was willing to share with you And we LOST IT!" I screamed. She was still cracking up. "Oh Harlee?" She smirked. "You know how you told me you forgot the tickets?" "Y-yeah" I sputtered. "And you know how I said I would get you back for it?" I suddenly realized what was going on. "No." I said. "No no no!!!!! I can't BELIEVE YOU!!!" I cry-laughed. She pulled out her iPod and got a pic of me. "Instagram!!" She said pulling out her purse and showing me the money. "OMG I can't believe I believed you!!!" I was so mad. Just then, Niall went marching up to Taylor. "You don't go making my girl cry, now." He said sternly to Taylor marching away. Taylor looked in shock. She never in her life got yelled at, by anybody. But now Niall James Horan just told her to back off me? Wow. Zayn stepped in front of Niall. "Bro, you know she was just playing" he said to Niall. "Then why wa Harlee crying then, hmm? Answer me that!" Niall said behind clenched teeth. I had to support Taylor on this one. "Niall please, we do this to each other all the time. Don't get mad at her. Like Zayn said, this was a joke. Don't blame Taylor though." I begged. Niall backed down. I swear he looked a little embarrassed. "Sorry love." He said to Taylor. A look of relief fell across her face as Niall turned and sat facing the wall.

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