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Gazing ahead of myself, I looked at the lad standing at the end of the aisle. His profile displayed, he didn't even twitch his head to take a glimpse at me. Is this marriage happening with his consent? This thought clashed in my head when we reached the end of the aisle.

I took a glimpse at his jaw which was edge sharp as knife aa his eyes were diverted ahead of himself, looking at nothing but the air.

The sudden twitching of his head led us to the meet of our eyes. His eyes looked down at mine which held a bit of disheartenment and moisture.

His locks were gelled up, his forehead was exposing while some of his strands fell over his temple and brows, shimmering in the lights.

I gazed down at his nose which has a mole over its tip and his petals were salmon pursued together. Before I could travel my eyes further he again turned hai eyes back, giving me his profile.

I didn't hold my hand to help me to take a step on the platform he was standing on. His simplicity was lavish within itself that's what made him distinctive and the reason why all the girls are after him.

I stepped up on the platform, standing just under his nose while the priest started with the vows and rituals as I had my eyes gazing down on the platform, tears settling over the bottom eyelid which would gush down any second while I endeavored to blink them off.

I looked at my soon to be husband from his shoes which were sheeny of pitch black colour, contrasting with his skin while his matte black tuxedo would have been worth a king's ransom.

How much I have heard about him from dad, he is the biggest businessman of all time all over the world! I don't know anything other than his name, Kim Taehyung.

His name itself screams supremacy that all his wishes would come true. I looked up at his visage while his orbs were gazing at something behind my shoulder. His eyes weren't merry, they were despondent while holding onto the sheen within themselves. The fringe of his eyes were ruddy while his mood seemed to be dismal.

My orbs met him for the second time that moment as I gazed down at his lips which whispered, "I do." I gulped down a lump in my throat which was thirsty since I entered the aisle.

I heard the priest asking about my approval for this marriage but before letting out any answer, I gazed down at my brother, settled down over the first row as his lips curved in a mild smile which I reciprocated.

My orbs traveled at my stepmom who held her lips pressed together as she took a glimpse at dad settled beside her with a frigid expression as he had his arms crossed over his chest as if building a wall between us both which hadn't been broken since my birth. I wish you to break this wall down after this marriage.

I turned my gaze back at Taehyung and then looked down before I muttered, "I do."

The wedding rings were bought by the helper, both of them were glimmering in the light, with the diamonds embedded.

You held the ring between your fingers, waiting for him to hold his hand out and he did in a few seconds or so as I reluctantly slipped the right in his ring finger.

I waited for him to get a hold on the ring as I watched him holding it with absurd force as if he could crush it within his fingers, I stretched my left hand as he glided the gleaming ring in my finger halfway before retreating his hand as I closed my hand in a fist to settle the ring properly into my ring finger.

Hearing the acclamation when the priest announced us both as spouses, "You may kiss the bride." I perceived these words flowing out of the priest's mouth making my eyes enlarge a bit from its own usual size.

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