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The Sunday sun settled at the top of heads as it was already noon while you were sauntering down the stairs and infrequently, Taehyung was home.

Donning yourself in a white dress and a brown leather sling bag hanging across your shoulder, you scampered down the stairs as your tresses bobbed over your shoulders while you held the handrail on the way. "Where is he?" You thought to yourself when reaching the last step.

"I will take you shopping." These were the words he told you when you met him today morning at the backyard while he was having his morning coffee.


Quaffing down a glass of water standing against the dining chair, I placed the glass back over the dining table when the door of the backyard caught my attention. Since the day I am here, I haven't seen it open. "It's open." I muttered under my breath.

I discerned Mrs. Daisy walked out of the kitchen as she greeted my morning when I asked, "What's that door open to?" Mrs. Daisy gazed at the door and then back at me, "Oh! It's the door to the backyard. It's mostly closed but Mr. Kim opens it sometimes, on weekends." She explained aa I nodded while deciphering.

Licking my lips, I made my way to the door to the backyard, catching a sight of the green grass spread out in the area. I stretched my hand to push the door open when I discerned Taehyung's profile. He was pondering on the couch outside with his laptop deposited on the table placed in front of him, "He is working on Sunday also."

Traveling my orbs, I scrutinized his arms in the half sleeve T-shirt. His skin was pale while his veins were bulging out which came in my view when I ambled near him but the thing which disheartened me was his empty ring finger, he hasn't worn out wedding ring since the day of your marriage.

Moving upwards, I watched his locks skimming through the light wind as he ran his fingers through his mane to push them back before continuing typing over his keyboard.

The weather was serene, just a bit of breeze and sunlight penetrating through the clouds flowing past by the sun, "He looks so calm." I muttered under my breath, analyzing his expressions. The way he has his lower lip clamped within his teeth, his gaze never leaving the bright screen on the laptop.

The way he slithered his palm over his left lower arm, halting himself from typing further and stretching his right arm to get a hold over the grey coffee mug placed beside his lappy.

His vast palm covered the majority built mass of the coffee mug as he touched the rim of the cup to his salmon petals, sipping onto his hot coffee as his Adam's apple bobbed for once when I realised that I was standing across the table, gaining his attention.

I watched him twitching his skywards to look at me, the befuddlement in his orbs soon turned habitual aa It took me a second to form a word in my throat, "Good morning." I muttered as he answered, "Morning." Looking back down at his laptop, I asked, "Can I sit here?" The reluctance wouldn't have gone unnoticed by him when our orbs were locked once again, "Sit wherever you want." He calmly stated.

I smiled mildly, taking a seat on the couch adjacent to his, resting my hand on my lap. I gazed around the green area until the boundary as the peripheries were planted by flowers and some cherry blossom trees.

A pool implanted just as the patios ended up, the couch was deposited where me and Taehyung were sitting with a semi covered area with curtains hanging at the columns giving an aesthetic feel.

I took a deep breath with a minimal noise when I took a glimpse at Taehyung and discerned him taking his orbs away from my direction, I cramped my brows and squinted my eyes a bit before raising my feet to take a round around the eye-catchy garden, "It's beautiful." I said walking around the garden. Stooping down near the flower to smell some when I picked up a beautiful white lily with violet gradient.

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