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Elongating your hands around his neck as you rested your chin over his shoulder while he propped his other hand over your back and patted your ribcage occasionally helping you to calm your uneven breath which was getting unstable by passing seconds, "It's okay. Simmer down."

Fondling his palm over your tresses, "Was it my fault? I didn't even know what I did." You wept, clutching over his neck while the material of his shirt was damped, but it was the last thing to care about, "Shh... You were just a child and it was not at all your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault." Taehyung said against your ear.

You bawled while hiccuping as he stroked your back, "She didn't die because of you. It was just the situation." He whispered soothing words as you gulped down the lump in your throat, "Your dad couldn't understand you." He said as your hiccups halted after minutes of him consoling you.

He could feel your heartbeat which was accelerating and pounding against his chest, calming down while he adjusted your chin over his shoulder, stroking your back, "Sometimes it isn't anyone's fault, it's destiny which goes the way it wants and no one can stop it. It would reach its destination in one way or the other." Thinking of Ari, Taehyung orbs glistened as he gulped down a lump in his burning throat.

Giving a pause, Taehyung stroked your tresses through his slender fingers before continuing, "You have to accept the reality, you are really strong and a valiant girl. Your mother would have been proud of you if she would have been here." Taehyung whispered, emphasizing each and every word which came out of his mouth.

You sniffled listening to his talks which was applicable in everyone's life and both of yours. Stabilizing your breath as your crying stopped, a minute went by with the serenity and tranquility as you both simmer yourself feeling the warmth in each other's embrace which you both were craving for since long.

Retreating yourself back after coming out of your reveries, the propinquity between you two didn't go unnoticed by either of you. You slipped out your hand from his neck and shoulder as he drew himself back, leaving your back and head. Taehyung took in a deep breath, looking away trying to blink his watery orbs.

He cleared his throat while you wiped off your almost dried tears. Taehyung raised his feet as you took a glance at him and watched him stooping down to the bedside table before pouring out half a glass of water, "Here, drink it."

You took a hold on the glass as he let it go and you drank it while he said, "I will go now. Take care." You heard him muttering and watched him turn around to leave the room as you whispered, "Thank you...." He halted his steps hearing your voice, "For staying with me at my worst." You completed as you watched him nodding his head, he sauntered out of your room without taking a glance back.

"He is not cold, he is just hurt. He has been enduring the pain of his wife's death." You thought, prior to whispering, "I can understand how it feels to lose someone whom you love the most but the difference is that, I couldn't even meet that person for once." You placed the glass of water on the bedside table letting out a sigh while your heartbeat was stabilizing but your mind wasn't.

Trying to push the thoughts away, you raised your feet to amble towards the bathroom. Tracing your fingers on the material of your dress, you removed it while looking at yourself in the mirror when your eyes went on the marks over your wrist as you skimmed the pad of your thumb over your mellow skin, the scenario of Taehyung asking for your hand gushed in your mind, "Come with me."

In contrast, the hot water gushed down his mellow skin as he ran his slender fingers through his drenched locks while the fluid ran down his sharp jaw with his eyes closed, he let out a sigh as the water sloshed down to his abdominal muscles.

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