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The sun drowned inside the ocean while you and Taehyung were footing outside the residence door as the stars spread across the sky like sprinkled white quartz. Taehyung pressed the bell as you heard the intercom inside the residence ringing, waiting for Mrs. Daisy to open the door.

You took a glance at Taehyung who had his hands pocketed inside his pants as you had your palms wrapped around your arms, the cold breeze was gusting and hitting your exposed skin making a shiver run down your spine when Taehyung knitted his eyebrows as the door was still unopened.

“Isn’t Mrs. Daisy home?” Taehyung took a glance at your visage and then at your arms wrapped around to simmer down your frigid temperature as he blinked once before entering the passcode of the residence as the door unlocked.

“Get in! You will get a cold.” Taehyung muttered as you gazed at him before giving him an archaic smile and crossing the threshold of the residence as he followed you inside while the chauffeur took the suitcases.

You could feel his care, how he held you in his warm embrace when Thomas had an accident, he didn’t even allow you to look at the gore or his body, and when you went to have dinner in the restaurant.

All the stances just made you fall in love with him even deeper, “I know now. I know how I feel for you, that I am in love with you. But how would I tell you, that is making me apprehensive inside. Will you accept me as your wife or will I lose a best friend of mine?”

“Y/n!” You came out of your reverie when you heard his hoarse tone calling out your name as you looked at him, “I guess, Mrs. Daisy has gone to the grocery. You can get yourself changed.” He said as you remembered that your suitcase is still in his room and before you could say something he interrupted, “You can shower in our… in my bedroom’s bathroom.”

You pressed your lips together before saying, “You can take a shower first-” He cut you off by saying, “No. I have an urgent call to make… so take your time.” You nodded as he traced his orbs southward to your lips making him gulp down a lump in his throat as his globes scrutinizing your lower lip clamped within your teeth making your rosy lips inadequate of crimson tincture as the element of your petals turned washed out, turning waxen.

Breaking through his stupor, “What are you looking at Taehyung?” He twitched his orbs around the lounge with his heartbeat skyrocketing, unsettled making you look at him with befuddlement before she shooed you away saying, “Take a shower.”

You nodded, turning around to make your way upstairs while taking glances at him with your side eyes, “What’s wrong with him?” You whispered when you raised your foot to keep it on the first step of the staircase.

Unwittingly, footing on the fringe of the stair, your feet slipped as you stumbled while a squeal left your mouth making Taehyung turn to look in your direction with his enlarged orbs looking at your frame as you briskly hold onto the handrail of the balustrade. “Y/n!” Taehyung spoke in his strident and petrified voice.

Taehyung sprinted towards your figure with his heart thumping inside his chest as you took a few deep breaths while your heartbeat skyrocketed in that jiffy as you closed your eyes to simmer down your raced-up heartbeat.

You heard his striding footsteps with his fretful questions, “Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?” Taehyung asked as he held onto your arm gingerly before turning around your frame while you held onto his lower arm hindered inside the material of his suit jacket.

You gazed at him while he crouched down to carefully scrutinize your feet if you had sprained your leg, “Did you hurt your ankle? Is this hurting somewhere-” You interrupted him, “Taehyung, I am fine. I just stumbled on the step.” You assured him.

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