Natasha is a 19-year-old girl who has a normal life...if you count being in the mafia as normal she's a sarcastic Italian woman who would do anything for the people she cares about. ESPECIALLY her dogs don't mess with that girl and her dog's she'll...
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It's 5 pm and I don't really have any clothes in my closet for this occasion so I go into Xena's room to find her digging through a pile of clothes "you can't find anything either?" I ask her "NO I can't!" she shouts "I think we need to take a trip to the mall" I say "yes let's go right now!" she says getting out of the clothes "okay hold on I gotta go get Vinnie" I tell her "why do you have to take Vinnie we have my bodyguard?" she asks
"Because I have to take him with me everywhere and you know it" I tell her "I know" she whines with a pout "you're such a baby" I laugh "I am not!" "yeah okay" I say leaving her room "I'll meet you downstairs!" she shouts "okay!" I call back I walk over to Vinnies room and knock on the door before walking in. "Come in!" he shouts I walk in closing the door behind me "what's up?" he asks looking up from his phone "I need you to take us to the mall" I tell him.
"Okay who's us?" he asks "Xena and me who else" I ask him rolling my eyes "Okay whatever let's go" he says we walk downstairs where Xena and Alessandro are waiting "what the fuck are you doing?" I ask looking at my brother "I'm going with you guys" he says "why? you're pretending to be a bartender" I ask "because I wanna go" he says "you know I don't really give a fuck let's just go" I say I try walking into the garage but Vinnie beats me to the door.
I roll my eyes at him and grab some key that goes to one of the SUVs I click the unlock button and look around to find which one it is I hear the alarm go off and look to find a blood-red SUV parked perfectly next to a black one. I turn to Vinnie and toss him the keys "you're driving" I tell him climbing in the front seat I look through the mirror and see him trying to hide his smile "he's so stupidly cute" I smile to myself but quickly stop once I realize what I'm doing.
"Okay, what mall?" Vinnie asks I look back at Xena who looks at me and shrugs her shoulders "The Grove?" she asks "yeah okay we can go grove" I say "Okay grove it is" Vinnie says starting the car. "Vinnie holds on cause you can't drive for shit" I tell him "excuse me?" he says turning to me "let me put on the GPS for your stupid ass" I say typing in the location "Okay it's not my fault you don't know how to read directions" he snaps at me "I know how to read directions perfectly you just don't know you're left from your right!" I argue back.
"Oh my god, you guys are not gonna argue for the whole car ride just turn on the directions, and let's go" Alessandro says "Whatever" is all I say before turning my body around to face the front of the car. "Such a cute couple" Xena says "kiss my ass Xena" is all I say to her.
*30 minutes later*
After the longest 30 minutes of my life, we finally get to The Grove and get out of the car thank fucking god we start the drive around 5 minutes in we're good just listening to my playlist because it's my fucking car so I'm playing the music. Then fucking Xena and Alessandro went from flirting with each other to trying to fucking kill each other and they were screaming at each other the
I mean make up your fucking mind do you hate each other or do you fucking love each other I don't have the fucking patience for it and if they argue one more time I'm gonna fucking slit their throats. "Oh my fucking god just fucking kiss and makeup what the fuck you guys are so annoying!" I shout at them "well he-" "I don't give a fuck who did what just shut the fuck up!" I cut Xena off "who put you in a bad mood?" Xena asks with sass in her voice "I could tell you that" Vinnie chuckles "shut up Vincent" I tell him he just smirks to himself.