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Smg4 took a moment to look around the igloo, it was quite small, it had a medicine cabinet, a fridge, a table and two chairs, a double bed and a TV. Four quickly realised the igloo was quite cold.. but, that didn't surprise him much. As he got lost in his thoughts, CRASH!! He turned around in a panic and to his utter dismay he saw smg3 looking around, he look quite scared and confused.
"What's up?" Smg3 said,
"!" Smg4 snapped as he shoved smg3 away,
"No douche bags in MY little igloo!" He added,
"What do you mean..we're snowed in asshole!" Smg3 snapped at smg4, looking quite annoyed. Smg4 was gobsmacked and he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He moved his hands away from 3 and just stood there,
"I'm..stuck. In an igloo.. WITH HIM?!" He thought,
"Awe don't worry about it! That red Italian guy will save us right??" Smg3 asked hopefully, smg4 cried and looked hopelessly back at smg3, smg3 frowned and went to look around. Smg4 noticed there was a rug, he picked it up while Smg3's back was turned, 3 went to look under the bed for something. 4 then threw it over smg3 and laughed,
"Huh..WHAT?! HEY!" 3 yelled, squirming about as he found his way out. Smg4 was laughing a lot, he was in his knees just laughing, 3 turned pink and went back under to get the thing he found. He pulled out a dusty box and a spider came crawling out from under the bed. Smg4 screamed and flung himself onto the bed, smg3 leaped after him. Smg4 quickly got off the bed and laughed,
"Oh, it's just a spider!" He chuckled, smg3 stayed glued in place, making sure the spider never left his line of sight. Smg4 raised a brow and then put two and two together.
"Smg3, are you..scared of spiders?" Smg4 asked, trying not to laugh.
"OF COURSE IM NOT SCARED IF SPIDERS!" 3 screeched at him, he slowly slid off the bed, shaking as he went.
"Ok then.." smg4 said, he picked up the spider in his hands and passed it to smg3,
"Prove it." He added, smirking. Smg3 was shaking and sweating, he looked like he was going to cry,
"SEEIMNOTSCARED!" He said as quickly as possible, he put the spider back into Smg4's hands, smg4 did feel kinda bad but, it was funny. Smg4 found a cup and some paper, he put the spider in the cup and then put it onto the paper upside down.
"There, happy?" Smg4 said sarcastically as he went to examine the box, "thanks..." smg3 muttered as he followed. Smg4 opened the lid and inside were some games. Smg4 emptied them all out and smiled, smg3 rolled his eyes.
"Your excited over that?" He said unenthusiastically,
"Well..yeah." Smg4 said to him, "it's entertainment!" He said with a smile, "I just won't talk to you if you're gunna be mr misery guts!" Smg4 teased,
"Fine! I'll play with you..what about—" before smg3 could finish smg4 screamed about Ludo, smg3 chuckled and looked down at the game. He opened it up and snatched the instructions,
"You've never played Ludo?" Smg4 asked?
"" Smg3 responded as he scanned through how to play,
"Oh:0" smg4 said in awe,
"Seems easy enough.. let's play." Smg3 said as he rested the instructions next to the box's lid.
2 hours later:
"Hah..hah..HAH!" Smg3 exclaimed as his final piece made its way into the home section, smg4 giggled at how excited he was getting.
"What?! I win >:)" smg3 exclaimed,
"You just looked stupid— -.-" smg4 said
"STUPID?! I.AM.THE.F******.WINNER!" Smg3 snapped at smg4, smg4, broke down laughing,
"Sure~!" Smg4 said through tears, smg3 gulped and blushed a bit. He put all the pieces and game board (or whatever you call it) back into the box. He then put the box into the OTHER box and then pulled out a game of uno. Smg4 and smg3 looked confidently at each other
"I AM A KING AT UNO!" They both screamed at each other, they then both gasped in sync.
"Tell ya what, 3?" Smg4 said,
"3..." smg3 thought,
"I like that.."
"Whoever looses at this game has to cook dinner!!" Smg4 exclaimed,
"Sounds good to me." Smg3 said,
"You better hope I win because I can't cook—" smg3 said jokingly, smg4 chuckled and said.
"Don't worry.. neither can I!" Smg4 said, he laughed and they began the game.
50 minutes pass, the boys find themselves enjoying each others company. Neither of them like it, but, they don't exactly hate it either.
"UNO, ASSHOLE!!" smg3 yelled, "Now what's for dinner?" He asked happily,
"Ugh— idk. Whatever's in the fridge -.-" smg4 said, he sounded annoyed as he got up and looked in the fridge.
"I'll just cook macaroni I guess—?" Smg4 said, he sounded kinda confused.
"Good luck—" smg3 said as he put the games away, he got some plates ready and talked to smg4 while he cooked.
"Well— 'it's' done." Smg4 said, smg3 served it up and put it in the table, they both hesitantly took a bite,
"Woah...this isn't half bad-" smg3 said as he finished chewing,
"Wait, really?! You think :D" smg4 said happily,
"That wasn't a compliment-.-" smg3 added,
"Yeah, yeah whatever—" smg4 said as he ate,
Once they finished they washed up together and smg4 noticed a clock.
"Hey look!" Smg4 said,
"Huh?" Smg3 said as he dried his hands, smg3 noticed the clock and looked at the time,
9:45... they fell silent and looked at the bed. They both then shot a glance at each other, they both blushed. Smg3 slid onto the bed and took his shoes off. Smg4 did the same and they frowned.
"Sorry.." smg3 said as he got under the duvet, smg4 joined him and slowly went to sleep. Smg3 heard smg4 slightly snoring and he then closed his eyes and got ready to sleep.

Authors note:
God here we are— this is crazy. I'm so excited to write this!!! FUCUCUCUCUCUCCK

 I'm so excited to write this!!! FUCUCUCUCUCUCCK

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