A long night

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Smg3 and smg4 were both sound asleep, until..
"SNORE!" *snatch*
Smg3 opened his eyes and looked over at smg4 who was hogging the blanket. Smg3 snatched it back and went back to hugging his pillow, as he found himself getting comfortable.. *SNATCH!*
He looked over and smg4 was hogging again.
He rolled his eyes and just moved closer to 4 and slowly went to sleep. He felt something grab him, he felt Smg4's hand in his, smg3 sweated a bit and just went back to sleep.
3:00am 0:
Smg4 yawned and tried to get up, but, something was stopping him, he looked down and saw smg3 partially laying on him. Smg4 turned a bit red and shook him awake, smg3 yawned and then threw the duvet over his head.
"3..."  smg4 said sheepishly as smg3 went back to sleep,
"Wake me up later—" smg3 added, 4 sighed and just lay back down. Smg3 rolled onto 4's chest and snored. Smg4 rolled his eyes and slowly went back to sleep, blushing.
6:34 am 0:
Smg3 rubbed his eyes and pulled the duvet from off his head, he had a surprisingly good sleep. He got up and felt a thud besides him, he saw Smg4's arm next to him. He blushed,
"weird..." he thought, as he slid off the bed and got his shoes back on. Smg3 looked through the fridge and ended up having an apple for breakfast, smg4 was still fast asleep, 3 sighed and went over to tap him in the shoulder.
Smg4 saw smg3 besides him, hitting his shoulder, 4 rolled his eyes and shoved him off the bed. Well, 3 had his feet under the duvet so smg4 went crashing down with him. He landed on smg3 and they both turned kinda pink, 3 pushed 4 off and then went into the fridge. He threw an apple at smg4,
"There—" smg3 said, smg4 smiled and ate away at it. Smg3 then threw a pack of cards on the floor,
"What ya got there??" Smg4 asked,
"Idk, some random game— I guess?" Smg3 answered, unsurely. They sat down and tried to play but neither of them could figure it out.
"THIS IS F****** BULL S***!" Smg3 yelled in frustration,
"Calm down—" smg4 whispered, smg3 didn't hear him and just cussed out the game. Smg4 rolled his eyes, smg3 packed the game away and just threw it on the box. Smg4 blushed a bit, he looked back at the fridge and decided to cook something.
"? What's he doing—" smg3 thought as he watched 4 get up and go to the kitchen. He pulled some pasta out the fridge,
"Time?" He asked as he turned the stove on, smg3 whipped his head around and looked at the clock,
"Early lunch! How nice." Smg4 said, sounding surprisingly happy,
"Can I help?" Smg3 asked,
"Sure— I guess?" Smg4 answered, together they cooked and they started talking about stuff. Somehow, their conversation ended up here
(Yes this is something that actually has been said by smg3–)
"Hey 3.."
"Hm?" Smg3 replied
"Mario once told me that... when you kidnapped me with that other guy— you said that.. well er.
IFWEWEREINAREALATIONSHIPYOUWOULDBETHEGIRLFRIEND-" smg4 said all at once, embarrassed he was even bringing that up,
"Well...er, yeah—" smg3 turned pink,
"Would you like...HYPOTHETICALLY.. get into a relationship with me..?" Smg4 asked,
"It's a tough question... NOT BECAUSE IM GAY OR ANYTHING- I just..don't know." Smg3 answered
"Idk— it's been on my mind ever since Mario told me." Smg4 said,
"Oh...well.. can we talk about something else..?" Smg3 asked awkwardly,
"Sure.." smg4 replied, from then the conversation became normal again, they slowly forgot about it as they kept talking about the new topic.
When the P A S TA had been cooked :)
And they ate it because I'm lazy :(
Smg3 looked at the clock, 12:09, smg3 realised he was still really tired, smg4 went and watched the snow channel while smg3 played with the other half of his food. He just put it in the fridge and sat down next to 4,
"Snow channel—?" Smg3 said in awe,
"Yeah!" Smg4 replied,
"It's just some dude who just so happens to get turned on by f****** SNOW!" Smg3 snapped
"Just ignore that!" Smg4 said, he pulled smg3 closer to him and they just watched the TV.
"Wow.. how long can he talk about snow for?" Smg4 asked in amazement, he looked down at smg3 who was snoring on the floor. Smg4 frowned and slapped him,
"Huh..what...huh—?" Smg3 said as he got up,
"You slept through it! >:(" smg4 said angrily,
"So? I got better things to do-"
"Like?" Smg4 said, interrupting 3,
"Planning..STUFF!" Smg3 snapped at him, smg4 rolled his eyes and sat down at the table. Smg3 got out his food and finished it, smg4 zoned out and ended up falling.
"F***!" Smg4 yelled while laughing, smg3 rolled his eyes and asked if he was ok. Smg4 seemed alright so 3 just checked the time again, 15:00,
"It's only 3pm— are you tired or something?" Smg4 asked
"N.O." Smg3 d quickly snapped back, turning to face the other way. He got the games box out, when he remerged from under the bed smg4 signalled him to pause, he went behind 3 and pulled something off his back. Smg3 froze in fear when he saw what it was, another spider. Smg4 checked the glass and it turned out that it had knocked over without them noticing. Smg4 rolled his eyes and just put the little spider in the pack of cards they tried to play before.
"I can't believe he escaped—" smg4 said in amazement, "can you?"
Smg3 said nothing, he was frozen in fear still—
Smg4 grabbed the box from his hands and saw a game theatre he knew they would both like. Smg3 sat down and played with him after another minute.
"You know 3–" smg4 said,
"You really are an idiot!" Smg4 said, smg3 turned pink and yelled,
"Sure.." smg4 said, giggling.
19:45 😩
"It's kinda late.." smg4 said
"No it's not." Smg3 replied,
"Anyway!" Smg4 added, "I'm going to sleep! :)"
"Yeah well night—" smg3 decided to sit on the bed with him, he watched the snow channel. Smg4 watched with him for a bit before he fell asleep,
(4 went to sleep at 8pm lol).
Smg3 flicked off the tv and threw the remote, he got up and took his shoes off. Smg3 then dragged himself back into bed, he went to sleep facing smg4 and smg4 facing him.

Authors note:
Incase you are wondering why updates are as slow as a snail,
My mum has decided my phone is only for school now so— I have:
Period 1
Period 2
Break :)
Period 3
Lunch! (Because of exams this week and next week)
Period 4
Period 5
So, I have about— 2hours to update everyday lol. Break is half and hour and we have 45 minutes for lunch. My mum takes longer then me to get back home because she's a teacher at a primary school and primary school kids leave later than the older kids. This includes my mother :)
So, I also have that half hour, 45 minutes to update! So, if you could be patient with me I'd appreciate that! :)

Ps- I have 2 assessments coming up so I need to study for those ❤️

Ps- I have 2 assessments coming up so I need to study for those ❤️

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Snow trapped but my sorry ass wrote it!Where stories live. Discover now