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Friday the 23rd of January 2023
"Wow, smg3! You really made this?!" Smg4 looked at the cake smg3 was holding in shock,
"E-er yeah! I..did. That's kinda the special thing.. but not all of it!" Smg3 explained, he sounded awkward,
Smg4 smiled and took the cake, smg3 then took a deep breath,
"Ok 3, no turning back! I-I have to do this!!" Smg3 thought, but, he paused,
"No...maybe I should wait.." smg3 thought, smg4 looked up painfully from the cake.
"Erm..smg3." Smg4 spoke sadly,
"Yeah.. something wrong?" Smg3 replied,
"I...I know you are gunna ask me out.." smg4 explained, smg3 turned bright red,
"Well...I..erm.. YES!" Smg3 replied, smg4 frowned,
"Well..I..I have to say..." smg4 paused,
"NO!" He yelled, Smg3's heart sank, his eyes widened and he looked at smg4,
"I..I have to do it for the others!!" Smg4 snapped, he looked at smg3 with tears in his eyes, smg3 felt sorry.
"Smg4... you shouldn't have to hide anything for anyone!" Smg3 said, taking his hands,
"Tell me.. are you—" before smg3 could finish, smg4 pulled away and went home.
Smg3 was mortified, he collapsed, the rain started the pour. He looked down at the ground and wondered what had just happened...

After a few months...
It had been 3 months since smg4 and smg3 had spoken, smg4 had been feeling horrible and smg3 had been feeling even worse. Tari hated to see anyone sad, so, she went up and asked what was wrong.
"Hey...smg4? What's wrong :(" Tari asked, smg4 clenched his fist and whipped around,
"Oh..what's wrong? WHATS WRONG??" He snapped, he looked furious, Tari took a step back,
"Oh..ahahah! I'LL TELL YOU "what's wrong?"" Smg4 replied, he sounded enraged,
"Even better yet...HE WONT EVEN TALK TO ME!!!"
"Smg4..." Bob started, he was cut off,
"You know what?! Fuck this!! I don't have to deal with this, he stormed upstairs and pulled a suitcase from under his bed. He started packing, Meggy sat down next to smg4,
"Smg4! Y-You can't leave!!!" Meggy cried,
"Look... Meggy this doesn't apply to you. Stay out of it." Smg4 said firmly, continuing to pack.
"Where will you go!!" Meggy questioned, trying to get him to stay,
"To smg3's." Smg4 explained,
"I know. I have my ways." He said firmly, shutting the case. He stormed downstairs and opened the door, he slammed it shut.
"No!" Boopkins yelled,
"Let him go." Bob said Amit the chaos,
"He was a freak anyway."
Tari pushed Bob and everyone went back to their day to day lives, they all assumed he would come back.
At Smg3's
Smg3 was sleeping on the sofa, eggdog lay on his stomach with the TV playing some useless program.
Ding dong!
Smg3 jumped awake, he yawned and moved eggdog off him, he sighed and went to the door. He opened it, "yeah yeah what do you—" his eyes widened and he looked at smg4.
"Y-YOU?! I thought you hated me :(" smg3 sounded quite sad when he said that,
"No!! You're right smg3!" Smg4 explained,
"I can't hide who I am for them!"  Smg3 looked surprised but happy,
"I-I'm sorry! Because.." smg4 paused and turned a bit pink, smg3 smirked,
"Because~" smg3 teased,
"I LOVE YOU—" smg4 yelled, smg3 smiled and looked at the suitcase,
"You wanna stay here?" Smg3 asked,
"Well..y-yes.." smg4 stuttered, smg3 smiled,
"Not a problem!"
This is how it's gunna end,
I'm so baddie.

Snow trapped but my sorry ass wrote it!Where stories live. Discover now