CHRIMUH (2022:)

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Smg4 and smg3 had been invited round to stay over at smg1 and 2's place, the plan was all of smg4 friends would come over on Christmas Eve for a party and they would celebrate together the next day.
"Are you sure Bob will be able to go home after having so much alcohol :(" boopkins asked,
"He's Bob!" Meggy said, watching Bob from a far:
"yAs BiTcHeS! I, tHe sExY bOb wIlL- *vomits" eRr...nOt tHaaT XD" Bob said in his drunken state
"Er- I mean... we'll all be there to make sure nothing happens to him! Plus, you are a good bf for a fish." Meggy said,
"Bf?! W-what?!" Boopkins said, his face all red.
"O-oh it's not like that, Meggy..." boopkins said awkwardly,
"Hahaha! I'm only kidding :)" Meggy said, laughing.
"Oh! Hahah!" Boopkins responded, laughing as well.
Boopkins went over to talk to Tari and saiko. Meggy slumped back onto the sofa with Mario,
"So-" Mario said,
"Boopkins does have a point— I mean, Chris and Swag are already piss drunk! But those two gay bitches will be fine, Bob drunk..." Mario said,
"Mario, although that is probably one of the smartest you've ever said ever... he'll be fine!" Meggy said reassuringly, Mario sighed and looked at the chaos ensuing in front of him. Luigi and Shroomy were playing "pin the tail on the Obama" again. Luigi was trembling and shroomy was holding a gun to "The Obama" so they could play,
"Who's gunna stop them this time?" Mario asked
"I don't know, but at the same time I don't wanna know!"
An hour later
Smg3 was talking to meggy,
"Hey meggy..?"
"Yeah?" She replied
"So.. smg1 and 2 don't want me bringing eggdog, which I am fine with and all..."
"Go on..?" Meggy said,
"But.." he turned a bit pink and continued
"I don't trust any of the baby sitters..." smg3 muttered just enough for Meggy to hear
"BAHAHAHAHHA! Omg! Your too much for me, 3! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH—" Meggy struggles to say through her laughter, though, as funny as she found it, she wasn't that surprised.
"Just ask Luigi— you trust him right?" Meggy suggested,
"Yeah.. I guess you're right. I think he's make a good babysitter! Or... dog sitter I guess—" smg3 said.
"How come you are looking for a 'dog sitter' anyways? Won't be fine for one night?" Meggy asked
"Er— how do I put this into words... well, you see.. I'm pretty sure eggdog has some sort of 'separation anixitey'. Last time I left him alone for a bit was when I stayed over at the castle.." smg3 explained, he continued: "Eggdog seemed so sad before he noticed I'd come back.. unnaturally sad!" smg3 said,
"Oh...right." Meggy said, "I won't stall you any longer, go ask!" Meggy said, pushing smg3 towards Luigi.
"Er..Luigi..?" Smg3 spoke,
"Yeah?" Luigi replied, putting the blindfold on the table bedsides them,
"Can you do me a favour?, favour."
"Yeah! No problem, what you need help with? :D"
Luigi replied happily,
"It's eggdog— if he can't handle being alone for 1 night, what would happen after 2?!" Smg3 said
"Go on..." Luigi said, interested,
"I need you to look after him— I'll repay you—" smg3 was cutoff
"No need! I don't mind doing it for free! Plus, you've done me some favours here and there. Consider this me repaying ya!" Luigi said,
"Really?! Aw! Thanks a lot:)" smg3 said, sounding a lot happier
"No problem!" Luigi said, waving to smg3. Smg3 wasn't paying attention as he was walking back to Meggy when
"Huh?!" A man said, smg4 didn't know who until he turned around to apologise,
"Omg! I'm so sorry— it's completely my fault!" Smg3 said in a panic,
"Oh— it's just you." Smg4 said, sounding a bit more relaxed,
"Oh— it's just you—" smg3 said, also sounding more relaxed.
" *sigh*. It's fine 3... don't make this more awkward than it has to be!" Smg4 said, smg3 walked away. Meggy was on the floor laughing,
"H-HEY! First of all, smg4 is not and will NEVER be my bf!" Second of all, HOW AM I MEANT TO KNOW >:(" smg3 said,
" tickle me. I'm so glad we're friends"
Meggy said as smg3 helped her up,
"Me too— but not in the same ways as you—" smg3 said. They continued talking, smg4 drank his drink as he talked with Tari.
"Smg4, I wanna ask you something." Tari said,
"Oh... oddly blunt of you.." he muttered
"What did you say?" Tari asked, looking innocent as usual,
"Nothing important— what did ya wanna ask?" Smg4 replied,
"What's the deal with you and smg3? You seem more... awkward yet calm around him now." Tari explained,
"?!" Smg4 turned a bit red and said,
"Awkward?! I- I don't think I am!" He said, sounding pretty awkward himself .
"Riigghhhtt, sure—" Tari said
"I'm not gunna get to the bottom of this...may as well leave it alone.." she thought,
"Oh whatever! It wasn't that important anyway, was it?" Tari said, laughing awkwardly.
"If you say so—" smg4 said, laughing awkwardly with her.
After the party
"Aw! It was great seeing you guys :)" smg1 and smg2 said as they waved everyone goodbye. Smg4 and smg3 did the same, side eyeing each other and making faces. Mario noticed as he was leaving and decided to purposely push smg4 into smg3, he giggled as he walked past them.
"HEY!" Smg4 yelled in a panic,
Smg3 grabbed his shoulders and smg4 leaned against the wall, both of them turned red, but, smg4 just rolled his eyes.
"You tsundere!" Smg4 teased,
"A-AS IF! Y-Y-Y-YOU... I— WAIT! NHHGG!" Smg3 finally said, smg4 laughed and backed away.
"So, can you guys help us with decorating the tree." Smg2 asked,
"W..what? It's the 24th! Surely you would have had it done by now." Smg4 said in utter awe,
"Well— yeah. But, we put it off as long as possible this year..." smg2 said,
"We really did.." Smg1 said,
"ALLAS!" He added, "will you help us..?"
"Yeah sure—" smg3 said. Smg4 brushed his hand against his and winked. Smg4 burst out laughing as smg3 stopped in his tracks and turned so, so, so red.
"I..I— YOU...JUST...HAANNDD...." Smg3 said, or at least tried to.
"Wtf..." smg2 thought.
"Ooohhh..." smg1 said as he slowly put the pieces together.
After decorating the shitting tree
"I must say— it looks pretty good." Smg3 said,
"And you HATE Christmas!" Smg4 said sarcastically,
"Yeah! I DO!" He said back,
"Well... I'm going to sleep." Smg1 said,
"Why so soon??" Smg2 said, grabbing his shoulder,
"Because I'm tried" he said,
"Ok...:(" smg2 said sadly,
"..." smg1 looked back and rolled his eyes,
"I'll stay up with ya! Alright :/" smg1 said,
"YAAY! You're the best :)" smg2 said, going into the kitchen,
"He does this every pissing year—" smg1 said, rolling his eyes and following him. Smg4 and smg3 quickly followed up behind them.
They had some pissing snacks until like 23:28
"Oh—" smg1 said,
"It's 11–" he added, "im going to sleep now :)" he said,
"So am...I." Smg2 said, aimlessly trailing behind him.
Smg4 and smg3 went into the guest bedroom and awkwardly climbed into bed,
"I CANT believe I agreed to this!" Smg3 and smg4 muttered.
"Er...good night?" Smg4 said, smg3 groaned and turned to face away from him. Smg4 rolled his eyes and faces towards him, he slowly went to sleep.
20 minutes later 🥹
Smg3 grabbed something from his bag, he wanted to wait until smg4 was asleep to avoid embarrassing himself. But, little did he know, smg4 was awake and watching him.
"What's this..." smg4 thought, smg3 pulled out a purple plushi. Smg3 wiped a tear from his eyes and hugged it before placing it back in his bag.
"RARH!" Smg4 yelled as smg3 put his bag back under the bed,
"AGH!" Smg3 said as he snapped his head around,
"—" smg3 said, but before he could finish he realised.
"YOU DIDNT SEE SHIT TONIGHT..." smg3 said, sounding very embarrassed, his face was red and he wasn't facing smg4.
"Whatever—" smg4 said as he lay back down. Smg3 stayed silent for a bit, but, he then grabbed Smg4's hand. It took 4 by surprise but, he just shrugged it off and started to go to sleep like smg3 did.
2:09 am
Smg4 woke up to crying besides him,
Smg3 was sat up, sobbing slightly,
"Erm...3?" Smg4 said,
"!" "O-oh! I didn't think you'd be awake." He said, sounding alarmed.
"What's wrong?!" He asked,
"Nothing >:(" smg3 said,
"Something is—" smg4 said,
"OK FINE!!" Smg3 yelled,
"It's... I'm still not exactly 'over' the death of Terrance! A-and every night I have this same stupid fucking dream about the fact it's my fault he died and that I could of saved him! A-and.." before smg3 colour continue, smg4 put his hand on his shoulder.
"Shut up and just hug me already—" smg4 said, smg3 jolted forward and hugged smg4 so tight. He yawned and slowly went back to sleep, smg4 giggled and blushed a bit. He lay back down, and threw the duvet over the two of them, it's not like anyone would find out. Plus!

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