A date 🤯

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Smg3 paced up and down his room, his face was red and his heart was beating faster than it ever had in his life! He'd just said yes to a date with a man who he'd had a huge crush on for years, he screamed into his pillow and he could've sworn he had literal hearts in his eyes. He heard his phone ping, he looked at it and saw it was smg4, he turned even more red and read the text. 'You ready?'. He texted back:
'Yeah! (:' smg3 texted back, he took a deep breath in and then got ready to leave. He locked the door behind him and then went to the mall like they planned. Smg3 saw smg4 eagerly waving at him, he felt his face light up so he just waved back.
"Hi!" Smg4 said, sounding very happy,
"H-hey!" Smg3 said awkwardly,
"So..erm.. I got you these." Smg4 said quietly, handing a bouquet to smg3.
"You..did? That's really..sweet." He said, trying to hide his happiness. The boys turned red,
"So... what do you wanna do..?" Smg4 asked,
"cutie..." he added under his breath,
"IM NOT CUTE!!" Smg3 snapped, embarrassed,
"Yeah yeah whatever—" smg4 said, he grabbed Smg3's hand and they went inside.
Smg4 saw an arcade and his eyes lit up,
"Hey 3 :)" he said, sounding very hyper,
"Yeah?" Smg3 replied, laughing a bit,
"YOU WANNA GO TO THE .... A r c a d e?" He asked, making it sound a bit more dramatic then it actually was
"Yeah sure—" smg3 said,
"YAY!!!" Smg4 yelled, dragging him into the arcade,
he blushed a bit but managed to hide it from smg4.
"So, what do you wanna play0:" he asked,
"Idk...arcades have never really been my thing.." smg3 said,
"WHAT?!" Smg4 exclaimed, very surprised,
"uNbelievable, you, as my date, MUSt, play some games :)" smg4 said, smg3 blushed and sighed,
"Yeah sure—" smg3 said, he saw a DDR game machine thing (whatever the fuck you call it).
"That looks...cool" smg3 said, he looked at how much it was and then pulled a 50p out his pocket.
"I've never played! Idk if I'm good! Or if I even like this." Smg3 replied,
"Fair enough-" smg4 said, well, turned out smg3 was fantastic at DDR. He did amazingly!
"Shit! You're good :)" smg4 said, he looked impressed.
"Wow...thanks." Smg3 awkwardly replied,
"Fuck— aren't you hungry or something??" Smg4 asked,
"I..well yeah." "I guess..." smg3 replied,
"Something wrong...?" Smg4 asked, reaching for his hands.
"Well...e-erm." Smg3 stampered,
"Arg OK!" Smg3 said, he inches closer to smg4 and quietly said,
"I don't like eating in public...I'm scared people will judge me." Smg3 explained, turning red,
"Oh0: ok! Let's just get something and find a quiet spot then! :)" smg4 said enthusiastically, smg3 sighed with relief and smiled.
"Thanks..." he said,
"Np:)" smg4 replied, smg3 blushed and took his hand as they went to get something to eat.
Once they'd gotten the food because UWU <- JOKE PLLSSSS
"So, 3?" Smg4 asked,
"O-oh yeah?" He replied, a bit surprised.
"What stuff are you into?" He asked, his eyes full of curiosity, he turned extremely red and slowly started to reply,
"I erm... like video games and er... w-writing.." he stammered, turning even more red.
"Oohh!" Smg4 sounded really interested,
"Your really cute, 3!" Smg4 teased, moving to sit by him,
"Baka..." he muttered, smg4 laughed and looked at the time,
"Woah... it's already 17:30!" Smg4 said, then smg3 remembered something,
"Oh god..." he suddenly looked really worried,
"What's up...?" Smg4 asked,
"I FORGOT SOMETHING..." he said,
"What...?" Smg4 asked, smg3 turned red,
"Well...I erm...got you something as well..." he squeaked,
"AAAWWWW!! Really?:0" he replied, smg3 nodded and looked down. Smg4 kissed him on the cheek and smiled. Smg3 turned incredibly red and looked down at the floor while shaking,
"You wanna... go back to mine?" Smg4 asked, looking hopefully at him,
"!" Smg3 didn't know what to say, "er...erm.. YES!" He finally said, "yes I do.." he muttered,
Smg4 smiled and took his hand and they started walking back.
"So! Is there anything you wanna get from yours before coming over—" smg4 asked, he gave smg3 'that look', as if he knew exactly what he was going to reply with.
"Yes... eggdog!" Smg3 replied awkwardly,
"Ok! Then let's go :)" smg4 said to him, beaming from ear to ear. Smg3 activated the portal and they got eggdog. Eggdog seemed very happy to see smg3,
"Good boi :)!" Smg3 said to eggdog (ya'll know the tone you use when your talking to your pet. Sound squeaky then squeaky can get lmao.)
"Aw!" Smg4 said as he watched smg3 and eggdog,
"W-what?" He snapped, turning pink,
"Oh nothing~" he teased before continuing to walk back to his place. Smg3 pet eggdog and smg4 started talking about meta runner, smg3 pretended to pay attention as they walked until they got there.
"Well, here we are-" smg4 said, he grabbed Smg3's hand and started walking towards the castle with him.
Meggy was sitting on the sofa with Tari watching tv, Mario and Bob were playing football with boopkins (literally 💀) and Saiko was practicing in the basement with that guy who I forgot the name of :,,).
"Oh, hey smg4! :)" Tari said, waving at him,
"Oooh!! You finally got smg3 to be your boyfriend?" Mario asked, they both turned red,
"M-MARIO..." smg4 yelled, he looked down in embarrassment.
"Come on 4... h-hes only joking!" Smg3 said awkwardly, Smg4 looked up and rolled his eyes at Mario, they went upstairs and played some games.
After some gayming
Also, before we continue this fanfic.
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It's just so beautiful— 10/10. Also, I'm not able to reply to comments because I can't verify my 'email'.
Ok, back to the fic.
Smg3 threw himself onto 4's bed and looked up at the ceiling, he could hear smg4 walking but he didn't know what about. Then he yawned,
"?" Smg3 groaned,
"Are you...tried..?" Smg4 asked,
"I-I guess so, baka.." smg3 muttered,
"Oh! Ok :)" smg4 said,
"Well, what do you wanna do? Stay here, go home?" He asked,
"I... I erm.." smg3 slowly said,
"You would..?"
"I'd like to stay here..." smg3 muttered
"Ok!! :)" smg4 said, he sounded pretty pleased,
"Yeah yeah..." smg3 muttered, smg3 scooped up eggdog and smg4 tapped his shoulder.
"Every night, we all judge game shows together! Wanna join :)" he asked,
"Yeah!!" Smg3 said enthusiastically,
While they are judging, I need to take the time to say I don't think I'm ever going to have a schedule for when I update.. it's not that I don't care about this. I really do!! But- I find it hard to find time to write. So... updates will be random :) I hope you can understand.
"BAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHH—" smg3 cackled,
"WHATS UP WITH THAT THING—???" Smg3 asked, still cackling, he pointed at the back of the presenters hair and there was just a massive circle.
"OH—" Meggy said in shock,
"BAHAHAHAH—" Bob also cackled,
"Er..." boopkins groaned, he sounded weirded out,
"WOW—" Saiko yelled,
They all burst out laughing,
Almost everyone was asleep, smg3 had gotten off the sofa and sat next to smg4 on the floor.
"I'm awake to you know." Smg4 said,
"O-oh! Right.." smg3 replied,
"So, how come your awake..?" Smg4 asked,
"Heh.. barely awake.. I could ask you the same question you know.." smg3 said with a yawn,
"Yeah.. I don't know.." Smg4 replied, he put his head on 3's shoulder,
"So...erm.." smg3 stampered,
"Er...what do you wanna do now?" Smg3 asked,
"Idk..." smg4 said, he yawned and sounded tired.
"..." Smg3 stayed silent,
"Hey smg4..." smg3 finally spoke,
"Yeah?" Smg4 responded, he turned his head and looked at him,
"E-Erm.. I enjoyed today.. can we.." smg3 paused,
"Can we..??" Smg4 teased,
"Can we do it again..?" He asked, he looked down in embarrassment,
"O-oh! I'd love to!! :)" smg4 replied, smg3 was bright red, he put his head in his knees and silently screamed in his head. Smg4 slid his hand into Smg3's and smiled.
I am finally done with this godforsaken chapter.


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