I have legit got a fear of needles...

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I wake up,expecting to be somewhere within the safety of my house but instead, I am in a very dimly lit room with barely any space in it.

I try to sit up but I bang my head on the 'ceiling'.I rub my head and look around as my eyes adjust to the lighting and see that the contents of the room is entirely bare.

Suddenly, the walls seemingly expand and the room immediately becomes more spacious. I am grateful for this but that feeling is short-lived.

I am picked up even though there is nothing in the vicinity other than me. Instinctively, I bite down on the liquid-cyanide capsule embedded inside my tooth.


I am picked up even though there is nothing in the vicinity other than me. I struggle against the invisible force but to no avail.

Soon after I wear myself out;I stop thrashing so vigorously. This leads to sharp, painful pricks dotting my body in anatomical key-points. My eyes feel droopy and I feel queezy. Terrible fever-like symptoms follow this occurrence. I feel hot inside and cold outside. A layer of cold sweat encases my body and I feel exhausted among other things.

The invisible thing lets me go and I just flop on the floor, shivering despite me burning up.

More quick stabbing occurs but I feel to tired to react or retaliate. This horrible, nightmarish feeling of flu-like-sensations seems to never end.

After about 15 minutes of this terrible situation, I pass out.

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