"Holy shit,"

Jackson had been saying that from the moment he sit in my car until we reach my house.

A landed house.

A semi-D to be exact.

"Please tell me that this is not your house."

"I'm sorry, I can't lie. This is my house."

I said, opening the door with the remote and drive in to park the car.

There's another red car beside too.

That's the first car I bought.

"You are rich aren't you?"

"Just like you guys, I work like crazy and buy whatever I want."

I said, getting down from the car and open the door.

"I thought you,"

"Work as an auditor only? Video editor?"

I continue Yi Xing's sentence and they both look around in disbelief.

Jackson even went to run to the backyard.

"I told you, I work like crazy so that I can move out from home. To have my own home."

There's no need for me to give them a tour since they just walk around themselves.

"Why are you guys looking at my house as if you never see such a big house? You guys have houses in China too."

"We don't have a landed house!"

Jackson exclaimed, looking into the fridge now.

It's empty of course.

I empty it out before I leave to China.

It had been 5 months already.

"You guys can get your luggage and put it upstairs. There's 3 rooms. One is mine. The other two you guys can pick."

"How do we know which is yours?"

Jackson went out to get his luggage as he yelled while asking.

Yi Xing follow behind him.

"You will know when you go up!"

I yelled back, heading to the kitchen as I check the gas and such to make sure is okay.

We can cook once we get the groceries.

They are busy choosing the rooms when I went upstairs.

I have a board hanging outside my door room which says 'My room' so they sure know that's mine.

"Since we are staying here for two weeks, we need to get groceries. You two are going to carry stuff."

I stated after I came out from changing and washing my face.

"And my dog too."

"You have a dog?!"

They both snapped their head to me and I laugh at them.

"What? I can't have a dog now?"

"You have a cat too?"

"No, I don't like cats until I see your cats in China."

Telling that to Yi Xing, I shrug.

"Big dog or small dog?"

"You guess."

I walked past Jackson as I give him a pat on his shoulder before going downstairs.

"Pappli pappli! You guys are so slow! Yah, you expect me to get groceries myself when you two are staying in my house for free?"

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