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"Medical check up."

After seeing him being so busy, I suddenly thought about it.

And I think I should get my body check up too.

"We should get a medical check up."

Showing Jackson my phone, he look at me instead of my phone.

"Look at this,"

I spoke in korean and he smile cheekily.

"You said we."

"Oh, we both go and get it. I did do it every year when I'm in Malaysia. But I didn't when I'm here. It's so expensive for a foreigner."

I pouted at the price and he finally look at it.

"But then why did you want me to do it suddenly?"

"You are always so busy. You should make sure your body is fine. Most of the time you don't sleep unless you are in my house isn't it?"

I questioned back but he cupped my face now with both hands, giving my face a squeeze.

Ohhh, I have a bad feeling with him looking at me like that.

He's looking at me while smiling like there's no tomorrow.

So I quickly move away from him, pushing his hands away.

"No, don't do things you shouldn't."

He chuckle again.

"Fine. Then let me know after you make an appointment at the hospital.  We will go together."

Saying that, he just brushed my hair before tugging it to the back of my ears.

Now, I really got used to him doing this already.

This is really a bad thing.

But I didn't want to tell him to stop.

At least I can remember about this.

If things ever change.

"Have you ever thought about it? Like what if you are really sick one day without any symptoms?"

I asked him that when we are eating some fruits together now.

Because I always imagine it.

Like, when I write things down, I did imagine it.

"No, I believe that I'm healthy."


He nodded.

"Then what if, I mean just imagination, if you are really sick one day, will you tell me first? Or you will hide it from me and disappear after that?"

"What do you wish me to do if that really happen?"

That makes me stare at him.

He asked me.

I didn't expect that.

But I do think hard about it.

"Honestly tell me the truth. Then we will find a way to get treatment. I don't think I can let you face it alone."

I used to think I can face everything alone but really, I don't think I can now.

Because if you don't tell and do anything about it, nothing will change.

Then what?

Only let your love ones know when you are going to die?

And he lost the chance of doing anything for you when he could have?

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