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I'm staring at the sky when I have nothing to do.

I have done editing Yi Bo's vlog and even my clients one so I really have nothing to do except waiting for Yi Bo to finish filming.

My phone rang when I almost fall asleep.

But I'm reluctant to answer it.

Not that I know who is that.

I'm just lazy to move from my position.

I just close my eyes again.

But I feel a shadow on my face before hearing a voice.

"Why aren't you answering my call?"

Opening my eyes, I see a handsome face.

Yeah, my cup of tea.

"Lazy to move."

I muttered that, having the upside down of his face looking at me.

I mean, Jackson is upside down in my eyes because I'm laying down on the passenger seat of my car at the back.

And his face just pop out in front of me.

He's staring at me but not sure where is he looking at now.

"Can you get up? Seeing you like this, I feel like kissing you."

That makes me groan.

"Can you at least show a sign of hiding that kind of thought from me?"

"Sorry but no, I'm very honest with you since the start so might as well be honest until the very end. Get up, let's go and get food."

He finally move away and I sit up quickly to look back at him.

"Pappli, pappli, I'm hungry."

And he pulled me on my both hands when I'm not moving, dragging me out from the car.

"I'm really lazy to move,"

Grunting, he give me a look.

"You want me to carry you? Piggy back or bridal style?"

Then I snapped up straight on my back.

I can never let that happen.

"Nope, no need. Let's go."

Then I just head towards his car with him chuckling behind me.

"Rong Rong."

He called out when we are eating ice cream while walking back to the filming site now.


I respond without looking at him so he pulled me on my hand, making me face him.

"Won't you be hurt? If I really found another person like you?"

Hear me out.

I know this sound like a drama but hear me out first.

That day when I'm in his office seeing the new girl, where the rest of the staff are actually feeling weird with her because I'm the one who had been doing what she did;

He knows I know about her of course.

I met the girl, she even say hi to me.

"If I have the confidence that you won't look at another person during this three year period, then no. I don't feel anything. But it do make me realise that there are actually many people like me too."

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