far away from my brothers

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Y/n - " Why can't you arrest them now? "

Soobin - " Because -we don't have enough proof against them we need a strong proof to arrest them "

Y/n - " So where are you taking me? "

Soobin - " We will go to singapore it's safe for you to go there and we are leaving now "

Y/n just nodded and sit quitly thinking how will her brothers react when they find out that their sister is missing

Time skip......
Y/n is now in front of airport dont know why but she is getting feelings like something is wrong  she is getting negative vibes

Soobin - " Let's go "

Y/n - " Y-yah "

She proceed with her heavy steps something was stoping her from living even she don't know what it is

Soobin and y/n directly go towards a private jet

Y/n - " A jet? Why? "
Soobin - " You can't go in a normal plane everyone knows that you are his sister now get in the jet "

Y/n get in the plane then soobin call someone

Soobin - " Your  Plan work I get her and she easily believe me i am coming back with her "

Unknown- " Very good soobin i could not do this without you thank you "

Soobin - " It's ok you are my best friend and i had to prove my friendship someday anyway "

Unknown - " Ok come fast bye "

Soobin - " Bye "

soobin cut the call and get into the plane then after sometime they take off

On the other hand

In kim mention
Jin was beating the head of the  bodyguards who was in the charge of y/n
Jin - " How she escaped huh? HOW. CAN. SHE. " He shout

After that he kill him

Namjoon - " Jin please relax we are finding her "

Jin - " But how can she escape in this tight security she is not even in the CCTV footage "
Namjoon - " Someone hacked our cctv and even hack our access "

Jin - " It means someone help her"

Namjoon - " Yah and - "

Before Namjoon could say something the door open with a bang sound when Namjoon and jin turn towards the door there was

Jungkook looking angry

Jin - " Jungkook what are you doing here look we don't have time please leave "

But jk rush over him and and hold his coler and shout

Jk - " How can you be so careless huh ? How can she run away "

Namjoon - " How do you know? "

Jk - " It doesn't matter now "

Jin - " She also doesn't matter to you "

Jk - " She matter to me she is my life I LOVE HER "

Jin get out of control after hearing that

Jin - " You!!! "

Jin shout then he take his gun out and point at jk
But it doesn't effect jk he was standing like he don't care

Namjoon - " Jin please don't make any other mess"

Namjoon hold Jin's hand then Jin down his hand

Namjoon " Just leave "

Jk - " No I will also find her and we can easily find her with my power "

Jin - " Just get lost !!!" He shout

Namjoon - " No Jin he is right y/n is more important for us right now "

Jin didn't say anything he throw the vase on floor in anger and leave

Then Namjoon turn toward jk

Namjoon - " I am trusting you so don't brake it otherwise I will be more worse than Jin and I will deal with you after finding y/n "

Then he also leave the house

Jk - " I don't care "

In Singapore

Y/n and soobin landed and soobin  take her to a building

Y/n - " Am I going to live here? "

Soobin - " Yah come "

They go to a apartment on 12th floor

They go to a apartment on 12th floor

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Soobin - " You will stay here "

Y/n - " It's so beautiful thank you for everything soobin "

Soobin - " so i will leave now don't go anywhere without telling me and your dinner will be here okay? "

Y/n - " Hmmm ok "

Then soobin leave when he sit in his car he call someone
Soobin - " Put some of our men to spy her without letting her know I don't need any mistake "

Then he end the call and leave

Hey guys
That's it for today hope you like this part
I know I am late that's because of my exams I am so sorry but now I will be updated
And thank you so much guys we finally reach 300+ readers
Thank you so much it means so much to me

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Stay tuned


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