party invitation to jk

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"" Jeon JungKook ""

IU - " He is in his last year of college I heard that he only have one friend in college and no girlfriend his friend didn't come todayHe mostly stay alone and don't talk much specially girls some people also said that he has so much attitude "

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IU - " He is in his last year of college I heard that he only have one friend in college and no girlfriend his friend didn't come today
He mostly stay alone and don't talk much specially girls some people also said that he has so much attitude "

Y/N - " Whatever what we have done with him anyway let's eat our lunch "

IU - " Hmmm "

Jk point of view

I was in the canteen to eat my lunch alone because V didn't come today  I was looking for an empty seat then my eyes fall on a girl who is eating her lunch with her friend

She was so cute and adorable I was lost in her innocent face I can just look at her for hours without getting bored she was just like an angel

I get out of my thoughts by a girl

That unknown girl - " Hey jk let's eat together "

I just ignored her and walk pass by her and sit in an empty seat near that cute girl

I was looking at her I was dieing to get attention to talk to her but she didn't even look at me for once

Yes I am in love at first sight

And now she is mine

You will be mine baby

End of jk point of view

Y/N whole day went like this jk was trying hard to see Y/N

When the collage over IU already gone when y/n going through main gate then she saw same cars and bodyguards of her brothers

Y/N in mind - " Let's go to the hell "

She went near them bodyguard come near her and say -" Mam we got orders to take you to the office "

Y/N - " Why? "

Bodyguard - " Don't know mam "

Y/N didn't say anything and sit in the car

She come to 3 big and luxury buildings
When she come inside there was everyone working professionally
Bodyguard - " mam please follow me "

Y/N simply nodded and follow them they led her towards a cabin when she entered the cabin was big and elegant design everything was expensive

Jin was sitting on the chair he call her near and told her to sit

Jin - " How was your day? "

Y/N - "  nice oppa "

Jin - " We are throwing a business party for you "

Y/N - “ for me? But why? ”

Jin - " Because we want to announce that you are our sister ,future CEO and heir of Kim family "

Y/N - " But oppa I have never been in front of camera I don't want to be in public "

Jin - " I am not asking you Y/N , I am telling you  and take this and go for shopping I already make arrangements for your shopping " While saying this he give you his  credit card 

You take the card and left the building and went to the shopping mall with your bodyguards
When you go inside there was no one so you asked

Y/N - " Why it's empty? "

Bodyguard - " Security reasons mam no one is allowed to come near you "

Y/N rolled her eyes and go to the clothing shop after so much struggle she choose her dress

After some more shopping she left the store and come to mention

  A little Introduction of jk
Age - 23 ( just imagine)
One of the most richest business man's son
Secretly mafia and business man CEO of his mother's company
He is also a college student because he wants to qualify and college is under him anyway
He live separately from his father because his father is the reason of his  mother's death
He have only one friend in college V

Jk point of view

I was in the balcony thinking about the same girl from college he was thinking how he can go close to her then he come out of his world when he hear his phone ring he get serious after seeing the caller id his business and mafia partner the Kim brothers

Jk - hello Mr. Kim

Jin - hmm hello

Jk - what happened? Why you call me personally?

Jin - we are having a party tomorrow night so I wanted to invite you personally we are partner after all

Jk - what's the occasion?

Jin - I officially announcing my sister in front of the world as the heirs of the Kim family

Jk - I will surely come

Jin - thank you Mr. Jeon

Call end

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