shatter world

905 31 16

I made some changes in part 25 so hope you don't mind

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I made some changes in part 25 so hope you don't mind


He was running through the corridor when jin saw him

Seeing Namjoon this worried and mi cha in his arms he also run behind him

Namjoon go to school medical faculty there was a nurse there as he say

Namjoon- " nurse please help she got faint "

The nurse starts to treat her as jin also came here

Jin - " Namjoon what happened to her ? Did you do something to her ? How many times I told you joon to control your anger "

As jin was saying nurse came to them and say

Nurse- " what happened to her ? "

Namjoon think for a second and say - " I don't know I just saw her faint and take her here "

Nurse - " Ok I will call her parents "

Saying this nurse go out

As jin say - " why do you lie ? "

Namjoon- " I didn't lie "

Jin - " I am your brother "

Suddenly mi cha starts to grain consciousness as she open her eyes

Namjoon saw her awake and go to her - " you are okay now ? "

Mi cha - " Yes thank you "

Namjoon- " I am sorry please I didn't mean to hurt you emotionally "

Mi cha nodded

Namjoon say - " mi cha your parents are coming can you please don't tell anything to them "

This thing hurt mi cha she think that he wants to save those girls

Mi cha - " hmmm ok "

After sometime mi cha's parents came and take her home


The bell ring as Namjoon came out of school Namjoon make a call and say something then end the call

But then he feel someone behind him as he turn around saw jin as jin say

Jin smirk in a playful way and say - " Just make sure no other person get affected "

Saying this both sit in car


Next day

Mia came to her class and notice everyone was chatting in a group about something when she sit on her separate seat then she hear student talk

1 student- " I can't believe this happened

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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