cocktail tower

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Namjoon was in the office doing his work suddenly he got a call when he saw a unknown number he just ignore it and continue his work

But one more time his mobile ring

So he pick up

On call

Namjoon - " Hello? Who is there ? "

Unknown- " Namjoon it's me "

Namjoon - " how dare you to call me jungkook "

Jk - " please Namjoon just listen to me I swear I didn't do anything to y/n and I tried to meet and call y/n but no answer "

Namjoon- " so you are being innocent now ? You know what jungkook trusting you was my biggest mistake you hurt her I wish I listen to jin and distance you from y/n earlier "

Jk - " Namjoon I don't even know what I have done please just one favor "

Namjoon - " what? "

Jk - " I just wanna meet and talk to you about everything i wanna know everything"

Namjoon think for some time then say - " Ok where? "

Jk - " the cocktail tower now "

Namjoon - " Ok I am coming "

Call end

Then he stand up and come our of cabin he was going towards elevator but suddenly a voice stop him

Jin - " Where are you going ? "

Namjoon - " an argent meeting you can go home don't wait for me to dinner "

Then he leave


On the other hand

Y/n , jimin and Yoongi were having their dinner together

Yoongi- " so how was your first day? "

Y/n - " good oppa "

Yoongi - " and you jimin did you study well ? "

Jimin - " Yes oppa "

Yoongi- " you both will come to office tomorrow Ok "

Y/n and jimin - " Ok oppa "

Y/n wishper to jimin - " dude what is this ? I am tired of saying good Ok can't we just talk normally?"

Jimin - " the person should be normal to talk normally right? And my oppa is not normal "

Y/n nodded and continue their dinner after that everyone went to their rooms

Y/n do her night routine and wear her pj's  Suddenly she hear a knock on her door

When she opened the door there was Jimin With books in his hands

Y/n - " oohh sorry I forgot let me grab my books "

Then they went to study room and start doing their assignment

While studying they fall as sleep on each other 

Then Yoongi came inside smile to See Both of them Sleeping on each

Then leave without saying anything


In cocktail tower

Namjoon came and went to a privet dinner room followed by a waiter

When he enter jungkook stand up and look at him

Namjoon for towards table and both sit

Namjoon - " so what's you wanna talk about  ? "

Jungkook  - " Namjoon I know you don't trust me but -"

Namjoon- " I was not here if I didn't trust you   "

Jungkook  - " so you trust me ? "

Namjoon  - " I trust you from the beginning jungkook but on that day when I see my sister crying hurt  my trust shaken up "

Jungkook  - " Namjoon I didn't do anything I Don't even know what suddenly happened to her that "

Namjoon  - " what you want to ask ? "

Jungkook  - " Namjoon I know y/n trust you the most so she must tell you what happened so can you tell me ? It's OK if you don't wanna "

Namjoon  - " it's your ex girlfriend "

Jungkook  - " ex? What are you talking about I don't have any ex .y/n is my first love "

Namjoon  - " so from  where your ex girlfriend come from huh ? "

Jungkook- " tell me clearly Namjoon  "

Namjoon  - " my sister were waiting for you that day on the beach and - "

Namjoon tell everything to jungkook

Jungkook who is forming in anger said

Jungkook  - " Namjoon it's a trap I don't have any ex girlfriend "

Namjoon  - " prove it jungkook "

Jungkook  - " Ok just let me talk to y/n "

Namjoon - " No first you have to prove me that you are not guilty and I will help in all the way I can "

Jungkook  - " and if I prove you then ? "

Namjoon  - " Then I, myself  will approve your and y/n relationship I will get her marry you I will give her hand to yours "

Jungkook  - " if I fail ? "

Namjoon  - " Then I will marry her off with someone else infront of you "

Jungkook  - " we will see "

Namjoon  stand up and say - " I am leaving  "

Jungkook nodded

Then Namjoon  go out of the room

Hey guys

So that's it for today 

What you think what will jungkook do ?

Let me know in the comment section

And guys I know it's a small chapter because it's Ramzan so I am busy

And guys thank you so much 💓 💗 💖 we have 10k reads finally ❤️

Party party yah

Please vote

So see you in the next one till then


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