no one messes around with MY BROTHER.

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Dream was now talking to villegers after begin called by them, Dream frowned taking a deep breath he knew just telling them to stop hurting his brother would not work, so he decided other way... he had to make them see Night was not a bad person.

Dream: - "say... I am going to bring my brother with me next time hope you won't mind..." Dream said wich made villeger angry.

???: - "what?! No! His a bad influence Dream. Besides your only here to satisfy all villegers needs... you are positive guardian after all. Do. Your. Job. Or I'm making sure next time your brother gets more then a black eye cause of your selfishness." They said angrily.
Dream frowned tears threatening to escape his eyes as he nodded

- "good. As I was saying!" They continued to talk not caring about the fact that the positive guardian forced out a smile wich was weaker then his usual "actual" smile...

Passive pov:

Dream has been different recently; he looks like he has been crying non stop along with the fact that they have been trying to get me to go with them hang out with villegers. When I ask what's wrong he just changes subject and I am starting to get worried...
I sighed glancing at Dream as I saw his smile fade a bit then forced it bright as it usually is. I glanced at the villeger who had an angry look on their face wich turned to calm and normal... That made me mad so I got up and went towards to where they both were at. No one ᴅᴀʀᴇs messing around with MY BROTHER. I might be unable to fight well... but I always have back up plan...



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