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After talking with Zhan, Yibo was feeling a little bit guilty. He never have lied to Zhan before and this time he even talked to him rudely. Yibo wanted to tell everything to him but one side he even Don't want to betray his friend.

They completed the evening task to in which they were teached to bandage wounds and use herbs as medicine.
All this time Zhan and Yibo didn't talked with each other. Yibo many times looked at Zhan but he was not looking back at him.

After they all ate, they went back to sleep. Yibo was inside the room waiting for Zhan. Zhan came inside the room and sat on the mattress.

Yibo was still not ready to face Zhan so he waited for Zhan to say something. For a long time Zhan didn't said anything and laid down.

"Gege....Gege....are you angry..." said Yibo, Zhan turned to look at Yibo.

" sorry Gege...,please....Don't be angry..." said Yibo as tears filled up his eyes.

"Please...I am sorry....I...i....Don't want to yell like that..." said Yibo sniffing.

"Aye it...." said Zhan cupping Yibo's cheeks.

"I am not angry....stop crying....why are you crying...." said Zhan while wiping his tears with his thumbs.

"You.....are.....not talking.....with me...." said Yibo while crying.

" thought your mood is not too great so I left you so that you can refresh your mood....and we can talk later..." said Zhan ruffling Yibo's hair.

"So....You....are not angry...." asked Yibo and Zhan shook his head in denial.

"Just look at you....looking like a piggy....." said Zhan pinching Yibo's nose. Yibo pouted and hugged Zhan. Zhan rubbed his back calming Yibo down.

"Why will I be angry from you....I will never be angry from my baby..."said Zhan.

" Sorry gege....I didn't want to hide anything from you....but..."said Yibo.

"But what Yibo...." asked Zhan.

"I promised someone...." said Yibo.

"Oooo...It's okay if you Don't want to tell me......till you are not in any problem.....there is no problem" said Zhan.

"No ge....listen....i will tell you...actually I met a boy today....Ummm.....a demon boy...."said Yibo.

"Did you have a fight..." asked Zhan worriedly.

"No No gege.....he was very polite....he talked with me....and even made me his friend..." said Yibo.

" what's so wrong in that Yibo..." said Zhan.

"Gege....I will be angry...if I tell you I met a demon..." said Yibo.

"No Yibo....why will I...." said Zhan.

"That's why you hid it...." asked Zhan and Yibo shook his head in denial.

"He said that he Don't believe Tianshis and not to tell you about him and his family or you all will kill them..." said Yibo. Zhan knew many Demons still not believe on Tianshis and think of them as enemy.

"Hmmm....I understand Yibo....Don't worry I am not angry..." said Zhan.

"But be careful....It's fine to be friend with him....but Don't mix your work with friendship....understand...." said Zhan and Yibo nodded.

"And there is nothing wrong in making friends..." said Zhan kissed Yibo's cheeks.

"Thank you gege...." said Yibo laying over Zhan. Zhan rubbed Yibo's arm gently.

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