011 ♕ A Tale Of Two Sisters ༄

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A/N: Thanks for reading. More transitional. You'll get Jim in the next one!! TW: Abuse. Just major abuse and Brenner's manipulation. Lucy's unhinged mentally and that might unsettle you. **Humbly asking for any interaction if you like the fic. xoxo

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Lucy's raw throat was worse after the nap. The tray had been taken off at some point while she slept. She moaned a little and turned in a haze. Head thudding and hot. Sweat beaded along black hair. Silk nightie clinging to twist around like a second skin. Dark outside as she slept the day away.

"Poor thing." Martin's voice roused her some more. A cool towel blotted her head. Lashes fluttered around red rimmed eyes, lifting. "I do hope you keep the food down. Come up. It's time for your medicine." Thick, disgusting liquid was spooned into her mouth. Hot going down. The damp rag swept her lips after. "There's my good girl. Lie back down, sleep it off."

Brenner turned when a hand snapped around his wrist.

"Please." Barely audible, Lucy's chest rose and fell. A beat. Brenner basked in how much she needed him again. Hate him all she wanted, but still come to him first when she's in pain.

"Very well." There was shuffling. His coat and tie folded aside. Legs shifted next to her. Sitting upright against the headboard, Martin felt her burrow into his side with one arm slung over his hips. She stopped to inhale cologne on his shirt.

It wasn't enough to pretend.

Eyes shut tight. Fingers tucked hair aside and came to rest on her shoulder.

"Go back to sleep and dream." He said softer. Lucy didn't try to argue. Just let herself fade in and out.

Woke at nine to feel him still there. Tracing his fingers up the notches of her spine. Roused a purr.

Midnight. Brenner was propped up still with a book in hand. Lamp on next to him. Lucy shifted and fell again after he gave her head a pat.

One in the morning rolled around and movement alerted a body next to her still. Warm behind her own. She decided not to turn.

Three blared on the clock when she woke with her sinuses cleared. Fever broken.

Weak and dizzy, she roused to the same body next to her. Brenner in his undershirt and briefs. Under the covers. Asleep. Strange sight.

The man slept so soundly for a murderer. For all the evil he brought the world. Maybe it was inappropriate that it caused her jealousy. She made out his features in the dark. Martin on his back with one hand flat on his abdomen. Breathing nice and easy.

It was the first time he spent the night with her. Stayed in bed. Lucy slid out and crept into the bathroom. Showered the sickness from her bones. Short black locks dripped onto hot skin. She stared at Brenner and dropped the towel. Crept around in the dark. Naked as can be. Free. Felt eyes all over her body and ate a pear over the sink as if she never tasted food. Ravenous while juiced dripped down her neck and breasts.

Hands felt into a drawer, metal scraping before fingers closed around a wooden handle. Dizzy, she walked in a trance. Taut and still. Back up the steps. Darkness loomed and Martin was undisturbed there. A blade in Lucy's hand caught the starlight to gleam. She crawled back over him, quiet as a mouse. Felt him stir when she straddled his hips and raised the knife high.

It would have been so easy. One well placed hack into his neck or chest.

She could watch his organs utterly betray him same way her pancreas betrayed her and rallied the rest of Lucy's body to do so. Watch his heart beat and scream blood all over her expensive sheets. Bathe naked flesh in it until she was sticky as strawberry syrup.

looking for the magic. // Jim Hopper x OCWhere stories live. Discover now