018 ♕ Thermodynamic Miracles ༄

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A/N: Thanks for following this fic. The mystery continues for Jim. Lucy comes face to face with the monster. Brenner contemplates the end. *Let me know what you think xoxo

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   Lucy got a surprise that next day. A phone call.

"What do you think you're doing out there? Letting this happen." Mia's tone. Stern like their mother. Lucy trembled at Martin across the way. Patiently watching her from a chair. "You know what I'm talking about."

"I couldn't talk him out of it." Lucy spoke after a moment.

"Jim came here. He...He almost saw me." Mia paused. "He's putting himself in danger."

"He's just trying to find Will. I assume the Lab was prepared. They always are." Lucy met Brenner's eyes. Mia paused to speak in the background.

"I have to go. Keep Hopper out of this..." Her voice changed. Mia became a sister again. But, briefly. "He looked good, you know. Taller."

"Yeah, he's...trying his best out here." Lucy bit her lip and twisted the phone cord. "I love you."


The phone clanked down.

"I don't know what you want from me today." Lucy crossed back and Martin stood.

"I want you to visit the Chief and run interference."

"Spy." Came the correction.

"Suck his cock for all I care, just find out what he knows." Brenner looked like he'd gotten minutes of sleep. Bumping into her on the way out.

"I just might." Lucy turned to see his expression flare. The moment passed and his voice dropped dangerously.

"And don't lie to me."

"If I do, I'll do it politely." She went to see him out. "As always."

The door smacked on him.

Lucy fluffed her hair and snatched her purse to go out. Shrugged a coat on. Her car revved. Made it to the station in record time. Fliers of Will Byers hung up all around. Smiling and carefree. A few blew into the breeze like fluttering leaves.

Tired hands rubbed her face and went inside. Jim's Blazer was parked and she found him in the bullpen bent over a desk talking quickly with Callahan and Powell. Phil perked when Jim gave him a task and passed Lucy, hat tipping so she smiled.

"You have a minute, Chief?" She peered at Flo stacking files and maps. Plotting the next search parties.

"Wait for me outside. Five minutes." He stood taller so Powell went too. "Lucy." Jim cocked his head, placed his hat on and marched her out back. "I don't have long."

"You find something?"

"Might have a lead." He dug around his pockets so Lucy offered a lighter. His guard lowered. "Something funny."

Skinny arms crossed to hold her coat closer.

"What's that?"

"Hawkins Lab." Jim lit a cigarette. "They know something. I don't know what though."

"After one visit."

"Yeah. They lied to my face. I'm gonna find out why." He puffed, peering at her face against the fall trees. Leaves tumbling to swirl. "I saw this woman there. Barely a glance, she looked like..."


"Ah, no one." Jim rubbed his eyes. Dropped it. "I don't know what I think yet. But, it's something." He flicked the ashes. "Say, why'd you come here?"

looking for the magic. // Jim Hopper x OCWhere stories live. Discover now